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GMTD scan tech

Awesome, it's alive!! it's hard to tell in the #3 video but hearing the exhaust at the tail pipe almost sounds like it's lopping or one injector is misfiring. it might be just my ears though.
Try cracking each injector line fitting at the injectors, one at a time then tighten it back down. Make sure that each one comes loose enough to leak fuel. Keep Your hands, fingers and skin clear and away from any spray. That stuff will puncture quicker than a dart ir an arrow and then very bad things happens to and under the skin.
As each injector line is cracked loose and allowed to bleed some, it is the equivelant to pulling plug wires on a gasoline engine.
That cylinder will misfire until the line nut is tightened back down. When You crack a line loose and there is no change in the way the engine idles then that is a dead cylinder and the injector needs to be tested.
If You crack loose a line nut and there is no fuel leaking from the top of the line nut then take Your wrench and gently tap the fuel line tube right close to the nut until the seal breaks and fuel emits from the top of the nut. About a turn I think should be loose enough.
Others can chime in and correct any of my errors. 🫣😹👍
I listened to it again on my pc. the engine sounds healthy and strong. I don't think it's missing. looking at the engine running on the #2 startup it's not shaking. #3 has some smoke haze coming out the tail pipe which is just residual fuel and or moisture burning off as it is warming up. all looks normal.

what I heard as loping could be just timing. now that it's running. button everything up so the cooling system is good and you can leave it run up to full operating temp. you will need to set timing on the new motor. you will need a tech 2 scanner or the GMTDscan paid version on the laptop for the DS4 electronics to set timing correctly.

Once you get to that point and are ready, we can help you set it correctly.