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new engine for the old girl

Leroy when I check your logos on the main page I always get distracted by that glorious E.G.A. Then forget to look at all the rest.
IMG_0675.jpg Update time. Big news. I was wrong, it's not the motor. Seems to be the cause of the problem here is just way to much horse power and torque.

Finally got the motor out and didn't even have to take the flex plate off.
What happened was whom ever had this motor out before me only put two bolts in the bell housing. Now I am always finding missing bolt all over this old girl so it was no surprise to me to see this. Sadly this means the optimizer block with cracked pistons will go back. But not before I make sure I have diamond precups and any other things I might need.

My motor is a 599 block can anyone tell me if that's good or bad? But for now it spins over freely. Before it goes back in it will get a list of new parts and a bath

Diamond precups
Harmonic balancer
.010 felpro head gaskets
Arp head studs
Water pump
Thermostat 195 degree
And cheapO marine injectors

And as far as the flex plate goes it will be replaced by a luk solid flywheel, behind that a new clutch and NV4500. When I am done you will in now way be able to tell she ever was an automatic. I even have the steering column and prndl21 block plate. I will love shifting gears again!
The nights activities


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Yeah, you can join the club of flywheel/flexplate failure tricked me into thinking blown engine with me (and some others I'm sure). Definitely too much horse power.;)

Don't send the optimizer to the junkyard, let our Alaskan friend save it if you don't keep it.
Absolutely. I paid 350$ for it and now everybody knows what is going on inside it as you can see the pics of the Pistons and heads and other bits and pieces. I don't think I could ship it. It would have to be a pick up or I could deliver locally. Shoot me an offer and I will get it ready. Or if the buyer would organize shipping. The only reason I am thinking of taking it back is because I am in the middle of a move and don't have much time. Also I have 2 gm4 turbos and other nick nacks that I would possibly through in
I'd keep the Optimizer and rebuild it, use the guts out of your engine, then you'll have an engine that won't crack.

Check the bellhousing dowel holes for wear.

IIRC, someone on here did it, they sent their rings in, TS charged them $100.

Don't get marine injectors, just good non chinese or indian nozzles.
My vote remains to get that block checked for cracks.

Just 'cause it is an Optimizer, does not mean that it is able to take all types of abuse and keep trucking. For example, IIRC the early generation Optimizers still had the same cooling issues around the #8 cylinder.
My vote remains to get that block checked for cracks.

Just 'cause it is an Optimizer, does not mean that it is able to take all types of abuse and keep trucking. For example, IIRC the early generation Optimizers still had the same cooling issues around the #8 cylinder.

Yes it is, that's why they are called Optimizers, GEP fixed the problems.

IIRC, the #8 cooling has nothing to do with the block, its a cooling problem.
Yes it is, that's why they are called Optimizers, GEP fixed the problems.

Agree that the issues were resolved, however recall that it was an iterative process over at least two (that I am aware of) generations, so not all Optimizers are the same. IIRC, in addition to cooling, the oil ports were revised over time. Even this block is evidence of differences in the Optimizer series in that the Navistar logo is 90* to current production and the 'dots' are now lines. Naturally, I remain open to correction and it would help if there was more information available on the lifecycles of the Optimizer.

In any event, my vote remains to check this specific block for cracks given all the noted issues and knowing nothing of the history. Within the realm of possibilities, it could have taken abuse during one (or more) of the military engagements, or served as a target dummy, but we will never truly know.

So, given that it is an Optimizer and the possible life it may have lead, I do not agree that just 'cause it is an Optimizer it can take any and all abuse and keep on trucking ;)
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Leroy when I check your logos on the main page I always get distracted by that glorious E.G.A. Then forget to look at all the rest.
Its a beautiful thing right.

I thought about reporting this post. It was zero here this morning.
I say it all the time, you guys are hard core to live in places that cold, but stay up there I don't want the extra traffic.

I thought the same Jeff but I was just gonna ask Leroy if he had changed his name to DICK!...
Don't hate! BTW I'm going golfing today:p

Gents . . . Please, show some respect for our best supporting vendor! How about: Richard Cranium :D

That'll work... Have him paged at the airport as "Mr Head... Mr Richard Head... please pick up a white courtesy phone"
I actualy knew a guy name Richard Head and he lived up to his name.

599 is a 6.2 block. If it hasn't busted up by now, chances are it won't unless properly abused.
599 was also a 6.5 92-95 IIRC
Nuff interest on here for the optimiser not to take it back. If it doesn't go to AK let me know. I am sure I will need it at some point... Again it's the better block to rebuild as the GM odds are cracking somewhere: mains, head bolt area, cylinders, etc.

I thought the same Jeff but I was just gonna ask Leroy if he had changed his name to DICK!...

You just need a snowbird home. I might have to run the AC today when it hits 76 degrees! :p

It only gets down to 29 at night with extremely rare snow flurries on New Year's. We don't insulate water pipes here and freeze them every few years. Yeah, I will retire to someplace warmer as the winters are getting a little too cold...