Okay Chris, (and everyone else, and us ), Jeff and I discussed it more, he is in the process now of building the turbo-swap down-pipe. We just needed to be told to quit being so lazy and get to work.....LOL. Not sure how much time we will have to swap turbo's there, but we will go prepared with H1C - 18cm^2 on the truck and the HX35 - 16cm^2 waste-gated housing in a box. Should have the HX35 on the truck for testing and setting the boost levels Friday. Still have not received the new video camera battery (old one is only good for like 1min.)
So how it looks now, we plan to dyno two turbo's to compare, one gated and one not. We will also as time permits dyno with straight water then water/meth mixture (not totally decided on % of methyl alcohol yet), to be able to have some good comparison #'s.
With us it goes without saying; when money leaves the peanut butter jar, we want to have as much as possible in return for it.....:hihi: (some call that thrifty, some call that down-right cheap.....:thumbsup. We call that the "Sanford and son" method...LOFAOADL.
So how it looks now, we plan to dyno two turbo's to compare, one gated and one not. We will also as time permits dyno with straight water then water/meth mixture (not totally decided on % of methyl alcohol yet), to be able to have some good comparison #'s.
With us it goes without saying; when money leaves the peanut butter jar, we want to have as much as possible in return for it.....:hihi: (some call that thrifty, some call that down-right cheap.....:thumbsup. We call that the "Sanford and son" method...LOFAOADL.