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Replacement turbo

Not to ruffle any office feathers, hows the A-Team Turbo doin? Release/for sale date yet???

No ruffled feathers, we are finish fitting the kit, so that everything will be in the kit. The final fit and finish with the new turbo is being tried on an intercooled and a non intercooled vehicle.

We did note that the non intercooled set up needed to have a intermediate pipe between the turbo and the stock factory intake. This means the stock factory intake will need to be cut back six (6) inches from the stock opening and have a offset piece of pipe inserted. The kit will include all needed connectors/ pipe except the hose clamps.The stock intake can be put back together with a silicone connector, or weld the intake together if the end user decides to go back to a stock configuration with the GM series turbo.

I want to make sure that there are no surprises when the kit is shipped.
sorry if it,s been discussed but i coouldn't find reference to it,. will this turbo work better with lower or higher compression?
Speaking of lower CR's, what would be the probable CR if you do nothing but install the .010 head gaskets. Would it drop much if at all?
Not much IIRC, there is a calc but I don't recall it, maybe GMCTd can bermember it, I've heard some going to .010 thicker gaskets have had sealing issues. From my own experience, and what Heath land speed racer is running for CR (higher) 23:1 IIRC no need to mess with CR or risk head sealing issues at stock boost levels.
Made another trip home from Ga yesterday, 441 miles, used 22 gal 2200 rpm most of the way or 73 mph, running no IC and A team turbo plumbed direct to engine best mpg so far was on a test 22 mpg @ 68mph avg speed (but IC was plumbed in that run), I've made this run 8 times now, so I believe the data. I'm returning back to work there Sunday, weather permitting I'll re plumb in the IC again to see if there is a mpg change, performace of A team turbo is better non IC.

As reported in previous post (see post 201) not bad with IC but better without (haven't towed non IC)

Prior to A team turbo same distance I would have to add 5 gal of fuel to tank range depending how heavy my foot was 350-375 miles, now I'm seeing 375-440 I haven't run it to empty yet but have been deep into the red several times just to see, and I fill until I can't add any more without getting instant foam backwash.
Turbine Doc,

That's just a hair over 20 mpg at 73 mph. Fantastic. Were you at say 16 or 17 mpg prior to the A Team?
TD, when you did your trip, was your truck loaded down with tools and such? Or where you pretty much empty? BTW, that kind of mileage is fantastic!!
Hey guys just a note, finished up the last little details of the A-Team Turbo kit tonight. Sending the first five turbo housings out for modification and down pipes tomorrow, I think we have all of the pieces and kinks worked out.

I fit the intermediate pipe between the turbo and the stock intake which needs to be cut back six inches then insert the intermediate pipe which is silicone and fiberglass, nice pipe.

Just thought I would let you know where we are at: first two will be going out to the first and second customer out of the US (members here). I will be getting a vendor license here shortly so I can discuss price, this site has been excellent in supporting the endeavor, so we will sell the first A-Team Turbos here.
Hey guys just a note, finished up the last little details of the A-Team Turbo kit tonight. Sending the first five turbo housings out for modification and down pipes tomorrow, I think we have all of the pieces and kinks worked out.

I fit the intermediate pipe between the turbo and the stock intake which needs to be cut back six inches then insert the intermediate pipe which is silicone and fiberglass, nice pipe.

Just thought I would let you know where we are at: first two will be going out to the first and second customer out of the US (members here). I will be getting a vendor license here shortly so I can discuss price, this site has been excellent in supporting the endeavor, so we will sell the first A-Team Turbos here.
