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Replacement turbo

YES there is an updated silicone intake set up the old orange hose has been discontinued. The previous owners get the hose at cost to replace the old orange hose. The silicone holds up much better over time with the oily CDR mess.
Here are my results. I believe this to be statistically significant. But, perhaps very conservative of actual improvement because...

1. I've been driving it like a stolen rental since the exhaust went in (gm turbo is way louder than A-Team with KD exhaust, I very much like the ATT). I like the quieter attenuator trap. Now it kind of sounds like a 454 with glass packs, but a little quieter under hard acceleration, maybe.

2. I now tow at faster speeds, so one should be burning at a higher rate now vs. baseline. I got just a slight fueling bump with the fuel mileage chip. The egt's are easily managed and the coolant temp is noticably lower and not a problem except with a 45 mph 90 degree crosswind. I have not cleaned the cooling package in quite a while either.

3. The towing has been typical but I believe the side and cross winds have been horrible this spring and summer here on the planes (or is it plains, lol, too funny).

4. Injectors (technically a nozzle?) and Injection pump may reflect additional improvment for mods, since the baseline started with new injectors. Not sure if or how much the injection pump would affect it. I know one thing, I might buy a set of injectors for the sake of this test, but the injection pump is gonna just ride it out.

Here you go...

Overall Improvements (per signature)
13.88% Reduced Cost per Mile
16.13% Improved MPG

Data Set #3: Added; Kennedy Fuel Economy Chip, A-Team Turbo, DEI Turbo Blanket
8.72% Reduced Cost per Mile (additional improvement over baseline)
17.07 MPG
10.69% MPG Improvement over Baseline (additional)
5 Months
10,646 Miles
$0.178 Cost per Mile at $3.03/gallon

Start End
Truck 316,500 327,146
Engine 83,267 93,913
Inj. Pump 179,882 190,528
Injectors 83,267 93,913

Data Set #2: Added; Kennedy Exhaust, Kennedy Fan Clutch, DSG Cam Phaser Kit

5.16% Reduced Cost per Mile Improvement over Baseline
15.50 MPG
5.44% MPG Improvement over Baseline
13 Months
25,367 Miles
$0.195 Cost per Mile at $3.03/gallon

Start End
Truck 291,133 316,500
Engine 57,900 83,267
Inj. Pump 154,515 179,882
Injectors 57,900 83,267

Data Set #1: Baseline Stock GM

14.70 MPG
29 Months
57,605 Miles
$0.206 Cost per Mile at $3.03/gallon

Start End
Truck 233,528 291,133
Engine 295 57,900
Inj. Pump 96,910 154,515
Injectors 295 57,900

Here is an update to post #702;

Data Set #3 matured a bit, but didn't change much. Then I installed a set of Kennedy Diesel High Pop High Flow Injectors (mostly for the high pop) and started another set of data, Data Set #4. Kennedy said you will see improvement in the high pop, but if you "use" the high flow (pedal on floor), you can and will burn more fuel. The fuel price thing is a moving target, so I'll just assume the same price for even comparison. Maybe we'll hit that price again?

Data Set #3: Added; Kennedy Fuel Economy Chip, A-Team Turbo, DEI Turbo Blanket
8.72% Reduced Cost per Mile (additional improvement over baseline)
17.05 MPG
10.69% MPG Improvement over Baseline (additional)
21 Months
44,001 Miles
$0.178 Cost per Mile at $3.03/gallon

Start End
Truck 316,500 360,501
Engine 83,267 127,268
Inj. Pump 179,882 223,883
Injectors 83,267 127,268

Keep in mind that data set #4 is still in the "statistically insignificant" category yet. Seven months doesn't get me around a typical year of use. I am doing more towing. I am more comfortable with how the egt's come up now, so I'm using more of what is available to maintain road speed. The egt's seem to rise quickly, but as the temperature gets higher, the rate of increase slows. I typically keep them 1,050 or 1,100 deg F. This data set represents an early look at what it might cost to maintain cruise speed at the posted limits. At $3.03/gallon it looks like it cost me another $0.008/mile. The last tank I bought was actually $3.76/gallon (Roadmaster premium), at this price per gallon, data set #4 cost me $0.010/mile (that is a penny per mile). My suspicion is that I'll settle down a bit, and the rest of the year will fill out a better set of data.... probably half way between 16.30 and 17.05 mpg?? I have to say, this last improvement is noticably better performing, more fun and more capable of maintaining road speed. Most typical load not counting the North Dakota winds, is an enclosed steel frame 6'x12'x6' trailer with an 1100 lb car and about 500 lbs of tools and stuff.

Data Set #4: Added; Kennedy High Flow High Pop Injectors
16.30 MPG
7 Months
13,571 Miles
$0.186 Cost per Mile at $3.03/gallon

Start End
Truck 360,501 374,072
Engine 127,268 140,839
Inj. Pump 223,883 237,454
Injectors 0 13,571

An interesting note might be that in either case, set#3 or set#4 you can find at least one peak fuel tank mileage just over 20 mpg. I never did that in stock trim, ever!!
Has anybody come up with a kit to mate the ATT to a Peninsular intake, or is the common method still to raid a Cummins elbow and bend a 90* pipe? Or am I missing something and this is part of the new ATT intake mod?

In case I have to go the bending route as the only option, why not mount the Cummins 2-1/2” to 3” at the ATT end and then flow 3” all the way to the Peninsular?
Has anybody come up with a kit to mate the ATT to a Peninsular intake, or is the common method still to raid a Cummins elbow and bend a 90*a pipe? Or am I missing something and this is part of the new ATT intake mod?
In case I have to go the bending route as the only option, why not mount the Cummins 2-1/2” to 3” at the ATT end and then flow 3” all the way to the Peninsular?

I did what Buddy outlined. Blowing my own horn with this long thread. My technique to avoid drilling holes was overkill and in retrospect, I'd have drilled the holes. That simpler method is identified at the end of the thread.
Buddy: even better, thanks!

Paveltolz: Thanks. Noticed the thread which was why I asked about the location of step-up to 3” as the final result looked like it was just prior to the Peninsular (2-1/2” from turbo to intake) rather than coming out of the turbo (3” from turbo to intake). By the way, that was some excellent work!
Paul, its a sad dog who don't wag it's tail once in a while...

That adventure was 'the road less traveled by' and I am certainly a richer person for the efforts. It was quite the learning experience and I had a lot of fun with no real regrets. To do it again though..."DRILL BABY!" Lesson learned.

Thanks for the compliment CPA JAY, as you could see, I had me a good time and with the support of the forums members, it made it all the more fun.

635 used a silicon hose to make one of the bends rather than the steel tube (his suggestion to use steel because...). The silicon hose got soft and squishy after a couple of years. Ended up blowing off on a hill under load one morning. Much to the displeasure of 635 and Highway Patrol unit behind him suddenly covered in black smoke!
Hey fella's, I have to confess a bit of "hind-sight is better by a damb sight"!

I installed the ATT back on 7-Feb-10, with the wonderfull orange hose as supplied.

I always had engine oil weeping out of the orange hose (so I thought?).

Sometime in 2011 I talked SlimShady into sending me a new orange hose. He questioned the possiblity, but agreed to ship me a replacement. I installed, and the weeping seemed to continue to get worse. Hmmm? Are you suspicious yet? Read on!

So, back in June/July 2012, I scored the new hoses, pipe and clamps thru ATT incorporated. Installed the goods on 7-Jul-12.

Wow, much to my suprise, I found a mist of oil all over the new silicone goods!! What the heck, right?

Finally the real leak was sufficiently bad enough for me to find it. The friggen turbo oil supply hose was weeping thru the crimp on the engine end. The cooling air was pissing it all over my ATT hose. That was the original gm hose too.

I was down in my own driveway for a couple days to get a hose as the local gm stores didn't have one in stock. Then the hose required a different connector at the engine end (bugger to change), so that kept me down another couple days.

So I was whining about lack of parts at the local gm store and my nephew kindly reminded me that most every gm store in western North Dakota has the new hose in stock.... "it comes on a new truck, because you don't usually get a second chance"!

Wowser, he couldn't be more correct! I suspect I was as close as one can get to lighting up a 6.5L without getting done. Thank God!!

So, yes, I feel a bit dumb... but thought you should all benefit from my near disaster. The moral of the story is that you gotta go with your gut feeling and keep digging when you are troubleshooting.
I started to post this in the HX-40 thread but thought this would be more appropriate Ted aka member 635 visited us here on the coast unfortunately the co-ordination between driver & photographer did not work as well as I had hoped, Ted was hooking the grab bar one hand and trying to video with the other :) uploading to You tube as I type this, but here is a picture of static "hook up" on dry pavement with a slightly boosted (2 psi) ATT dual track mark launch, I really need to take this thing to the track and get some quality vids where I'm not endangering myself or traffic near by.



The 642 shows the "smokeless operation" of a ATT


643 shows a standing start non boosted "roll out" notice the lack of smoke


654 shows a standing start take off, keep eye on how fast boost climbs boost gauge is center gauge, no lag with the ATT on this truck


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