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Performance Tuning for the Tahoe

Hey Ferm.... Simple solution to getting this thread back on track......

It needs a power enima to rid the 2 ***HOLES that came in here and made it all shitty, they've done enough damage and shit stirring on every other site they blessed with themselves. We don't need or want that here too.

I don't think closing the thread would be necessary, just a MAJOR cleaning / deletion of all the diarrhea and possibly the riddence of 2 unwelcomed hood rats.

Basically how I feel... except for the name calling.

The 1 thing those of us "originals" in this thread have in common is we own and drive a 6.2 or 6.5. The outsiders can't say that. This thread WAS about one certain person's vehicle equipped with a 6.2. Not about pumps, and how much better the other major brand of idi is.

I would like to see a new thread started. Chuck this BS here, and start over...
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Basically how I feel... except for the name calling.

The 1 thing those of us "originals" in this thread have in common is we own and drive a 6.2 or 6.5. The outsiders can't say that. This thread WAS about one certain person's vehicle equipped with a 6.2. Not about pumps, and how much better the other major brand of idi is.

I would like to see a new thread started. Chuck this BS here, and start over...

This thread is totally about pump mods... but I agree, this is one mans thread about his 'burban.

We should start a new thread about pumps... lets pull together to flow tons of fuel.
That is exactly what you would do given the chance. That's only good business sense to take someone elses idea and run with it if you are an illegitimate business man and human being without morals. Roll your eyes all you want or call me a mouth breather again for all I care. Insults are all that you have brought to the table here and I am fully prepared to see it in your next post.

Sincerely your mouth breather,

Relax Joe. I think the mods here are fair enough, and will handle the situation without our further stirring of the pot :)

They will seperate the men from the boys :) And if they find me a boy, then I guess you know where to find me :)
This thread is totally about pump mods... but I agree, this is one mans thread about his 'burban.

We should start a new thread about pumps... lets pull together to flow tons of fuel.

Simply put- a db series pump is not the world's most reliable pump for flowing "tons of fuel". Just like a 6cyl version of a VE pump isn't reliable when flowing alot of fuel.

Can it be done?? Yes. Will it go a million miles like a stocker?? NO WAY.
We here are dealing with the 6.2/6.5 platform, and it is weak in it's best form. So, we don't need million mile pumps. If a modded pump goes 100,000 miles, we git excited :)... mainly because it has lasted 3 different engines!

On the other hand, you are dealing with a BRUTE of an engine, that can handle LOTS of fuel, and makes a buttload of torque. So you look more for reliability in a pump because you will run your engine to 100,000 miles in it's modded form.
Simply put- a db series pump is not the world's most reliable pump for flowing "tons of fuel". Just like a 6cyl version of a VE pump isn't reliable when flowing alot of fuel.

Can it be done?? Yes. Will it go a million miles like a stocker?? NO WAY.
We here are dealing with the 6.2/6.5 platform, and it is weak in it's best form. So, we don't need million mile pumps. If a modded pump goes 100,000 miles, we git excited :)... mainly because it has lasted 3 different engines!

On the other hand, you are dealing with a BRUTE of an engine, that can handle LOTS of fuel, and makes a buttload of torque. So you look more for reliability in a pump because you will run your engine to 100,000 miles in it's modded form.

Thank you.
First off, I want to thank the mods for being reasonable, this is an A+ example of how forums should be moderated, there are plenty of examples out there of poor moderation practice we have witnessed first hand, and for the most part, has caused so much of the BS weve "been at the heart of".... Second, I dont care who you are, If your spreading BS, myself or NMB2 is going to call you out on it, and we are not going to beat around the bush about it, thats the way we roll...Hell, its how we MET... If you cant be a man about things, and either prove its not BS, or keep it to yourself, and instead post useless comments, your going to get it back 10 fold, I dont care what forum your on... This idea that I have some "holier than thou" attitude is laughable, I could give a crap less about that sort of drama, Im actually pretty laid back, Im just a guy with an IDI that I chose because it is an IDI... The thing is though, is I dont accept the premise that these are dead engines, on the contrary, I think with how many millions of 6.9/7.3/6.2/5's have been produced, and how many millions are now ready to be pulled from the JY and swapped into projects for pennies on the dollar, its future is bright... Its why I am so firm with my opinions, and its being firm on opinions that has caused so much trouble over the last year, Im sorry there are people out there that get emotional and cant base their opinions on fact... One thing that is a fact, is NMB2 and I have been right on nearly everything we have stated since we started our projects, the only thing as has caught us up is relying on people who like to spread BS, instead of just doing it ourselves in the first place. With that being said, when I saw what was going on here the other day, I was actually like WTF now... Last place I thought to find trouble would be here. Ive been lurking around these parts for awhile, Ive seen your guy's builds, Ive read your guys info, and actually respected what you guys have done (In the "Those crazy GM guys are at it again" sort of way :)...)...Nobody in the IH world (At least on the net) until us did that sort of thing, so to see it alive and well over here was a refresher... However, when I make a post that was hardly inflammatory, and was sincerely meant to get a conversation going, to be turned around on me in such a way as it was, to be told I dont know anything about these pumps, when Im argueably one of the most well versed, knowledgeable people on the net about them, was simply rediculous and unecessary, you deserved every bit of "snap-back" you got from it. If there was any group of guys on the net that I didnt think id even have an issue with, it was the 6.2/5 crowd... Maybe instead of forming bogus opinions based off of what you "think" you know about me, you should enter the conversation and use your brains to address any issues you have, The honeymoon with baseless insults and name calling has been over for a while, Im burnt out on it...

Im done with this thread as far as the direction it has gone, let it return to what it was, if somebody would like to make a DBx pump thread, I will gladly contribute to it, maybe we can make some sense of this hash... Until then, ill make a few comments on a few posts, and then Im done...

Although I don't agree with Cumminsfever/ Littleboy's lack of math ability, and lack to learn the theory, I DO respect their R&D work. What some people can figure out on paper in an hour, they physically DO in a day.

NOW, you and Racin' come on here spouting off about "a marketable pump" "you could make a boatload of money" etc. Do you think Cumminsfever/ littleboy/ 6.2 turbo are stupid?

All you have done here is tell everyone that you want the answer without doing the work, I'm pretty sure even your engineer brain wouldn't have made it through university that way. Why would they give you what you subtly consider a goldmine?

Congratulations on assuring that the secrets stay with cumminsfever/littleboy/6.2 turbo, so thank you, all of us on this forum are in your debt.

I have NEVER commented on the "marketablity" of a pump, Its a retarded notion anyway, anybody who thinks they are going to get rich off of IDI parts is a dreamer...My sole objective with these engines/pumps is to take them to another level, and if I do any business with these things, its to further THAT cause, I dont need the money, Im doing just fine, and honestly, my wife would probably prefer that I not... And on that note, let me be utterly CLEAR... I dont need to know what your "secrets" are, again, there is nothing you guys have done to the pumps that I cant walk 50ft to my garage, pull apart one of my spares, and within the hour have completed and ready to put on my truck, they are not rocket science, they are not "beyond" engineering, they are 60 year old simple tech... To sit here an imply that I have no practical knowledge, only on paper, when I have pics of the work I have done, while there sure is a lot of "talk" on the other side is simply groundless. By all means... Keep your "secrets" to yourself...

Simply put- a db series pump is not the world's most reliable pump for flowing "tons of fuel". Just like a 6cyl version of a VE pump isn't reliable when flowing alot of fuel.

Can it be done?? Yes. Will it go a million miles like a stocker?? NO WAY.
We here are dealing with the 6.2/6.5 platform, and it is weak in it's best form. So, we don't need million mile pumps. If a modded pump goes 100,000 miles, we git excited :)... mainly because it has lasted 3 different engines!

On the other hand, you are dealing with a BRUTE of an engine, that can handle LOTS of fuel, and makes a buttload of torque. So you look more for reliability in a pump because you will run your engine to 100,000 miles in it's modded form.

If you would have posted this in the beginning, instead of going the way you did, this whole process could have been a whole lot more amiable.

Reliability is number one, and the whole reason NMB2 or I dont have 200cc DB2's on our trucks, they are ticking time bombs... My truck is a DD, and I tow a bed full of MX bikes and gear, as well as a 30ft travel trailer behind me nearly every weekend... If I had a pump crap on me in that situation, 50 miles in either direction from any sort of "help", not only would my wife kill me, but I would not be a very pleasant person to be around... There is a reason I have a stock cranked .29 pump on my truck now... When the bugs are worked out of the DB4 hybrid, or my large plunger pump proves itself reliable, Ill have some fuel to play with...
This idea that I have some "holier than thou" attitude is laughable

Really? :rolleyes5:

One thing that is a fact, is NMB2 and I have been right on nearly everything we have stated since we started our projects

Im argueably one of the most well versed, knowledgeable people on the net about them

These are two small tidbits of the "Holier than thou" that you and he have been displaying.

The reason the two of you have been getting flak from us and the reason we're calling you on your crap is because you're both arrogant, self-righteous, pious xxx holes.

If you two would have come to this community with a bit of humility and not the hubris of having the biggest ... stick ... then you probably would have gotten a lot better of a response. Lose the attitude of "We know more than you" and "There's nothing we can learn from you". Coming to this community with that attitude ... I mean, really?

But what what do I know? I've only been a member of this community for three or four years.
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Glad to see this thread getting back on topic...

In the future...I would highly suggest that everyone check a few things at the door when you log in...
1.condescending tone
2.know it all attitude
3.I'm smarter than you attitude
4. have to have the last word

our loyal members that care about the site don't like that sort of thing and there have been a number or reported posts in the last few days with good solid members asking us to stop the BS...some have actually mentioned leaving the site if we don't reel in the offenders...

I'm not singling anyone out here...but as site rules state...we will do what we feel is best for the betterment of the site...

no need to comment on this post...

lets get this back on topic and keep it that way...


One other thing...PM means "private" message

posting private messages without the consent of both parties is a no no...
There isn't really a ton you can do. If you didn't care about reliability and you just wanted as much fuel as you could possibly get out of it for a tractor puller or something...

You could build the pump the same way I did, except with larger plungers, and remove the vane pump inside of the case and feed it with a powersteering pump.... regulate to 250psi WOT or something. You'd just have to cut power to the pump at the end of your pull to shut it down. Input shaft wouldn't last long.... but making a new one is pretty easy.

For all that work, lack of drive ability, and reliability... you'd be better off dropping the coin and converting to an inline pump. That's what I'm doing to Brandon's drag IDI.

Inline pump FTW. :thumbsup:
That's Brandon..... he's building an IDI drag truck. I'm doing his turbo kit and p-pump conversion.