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Performance Tuning for the Tahoe

Why should we tell you when you constantly call us liars.

Because we are making you look foolish to the entire diesel community. You are getting your ass handed to you by two outsiders. Defend your honor, your pride, your reputation... hell, your integrity for that matter. Instead of sticking your head in a hole and playing the poor me card.

Put us in our place.
Why should we tell you when you constantly call us liars.
C'mon man... Your better than that.

Im not asking you to tell us anything, Im asking you to use your knowledge to ask us questions to see what we do know... Thats all...

Nothing catchy, im just trying to clear the air here....

And again, its pretty simple to prove your not... Just give us some answers, or some pictures, or SOME sort of proof that what you have claimed is real... "Because you dont know" isnt an answer that proves anything...
What is your injection timing at full fuel,and load ? Also whats your charge psi at full fuel,lets say 2500-3000 rpms. What is your charge psi at idle,and what is your base injection timing ?
Simple... With a .31 pump.... You could just take out the leaf spring and have a 200cc pump (obviously with TP pressure mods)... however, you'd grenade it in no time, there would be NO timing adjustment, and you would HAVE to get it right on the money the first time... Or you break the shaft (or cam pin)
My pump is dead stock... So:

Timing@Full fuel, full load, 2500-3k - 5.5*

Charge PSI @idle - 10psi

And base timing at the pump is 8* currently (Ferret meter), but made the most power at 6*...

Anythng else??
I have a question:hello: How would YOU get 50-100 more cc's out of a pump?

I used a DB4 head and rotor. .31 plungers with maxed springs. The DB4 doesn't have nearly the plunger travel the DB2's do. This is because they don't need it, to push the same fuel. This is good because it means they are more reliable.... more stroke = lost reliability.

To feed the plungers you simply cannot just jack TP pressure up.... the answer is NOT pressure, its volume/flow. You need to have the rotor EDM machined for more/bigger spill ports. There is no getting around this, no matter how much you would like to think there is.
What is your charge psi at full fuel and load ? I assume your full load timing is pump degrees,and base is crank degrees. More charge holes is not new to me,I've had it done to a pump years ago,but only 2 extra.
What is your charge psi at full fuel and load ? I assume your full load timing is pump degrees,and base is crank degrees. More charge holes is not new to me,I've had it done to a pump years ago,but only 2 extra.

For me... Charge pressure at full fuel and load at max pump speeds ~4k RPM.... is 125psi.... Its a linear rate.... 2k is ~60psi.... TP is a positive displacement pump, so is the pumping chamber (assuming WOT)... So flow/pressure is linear to RPM... The only variable is where the reg is set, and where the max pressure is set (Pre-MV reg screws)...
It's recommended not to go past 120-130 psi. The pump I'm running currently, has 100 psi,at full fuel and load,my four plunger,would drop down to 80 psi at full fuel and load.
Simple... With a .31 pump.... You could just take out the leaf spring and have a 200cc pump (obviously with TP pressure mods)... however, you'd grenade it in no time, there would be NO timing adjustment, and you would HAVE to get it right on the money the first time... Or you break the shaft (or cam pin)

So how long till this pump would grenade?
Dayum ....... looks like the obamas had a date last night ......

They do sound strangely like that type of people. "You are liars". "that can't be done". "Prove it". And in the face of proof: "that is not possible".
Yes, I do believe they have something in common with big O :)
They do sound strangely like that type of people. "You are liars". "that can't be done". "Prove it". And in the face of proof: "that is not possible".
Yes, I do believe they have something in common with big O :)

I think you are more similar to Obama. You are deceptive, passive, and fail to comprehend where we are coming from.

Go back through this thread and count how many times we said you could just build a pump to put out a high max fuel number, we even proved we know how to do it. What you don't grasp is this:

Our goals with these pumps is to get a decently high max fuel number, across the entire engine operating rpm. We have been building the pumps to be reliable, marketable, and production style pumps. We have over a year of run time, ten thousands of miles of actual test time, hours of bench time.

You on the other hand are focusing on the math and what can be done to just get max fuel. The pumps you build could never be brought into a production market. We have told you exactly why, and while you stare into the face of indisputable proof, you still seem to think you have something over us. Its really quite sad because while I realize I don't have very good tact, and could of probably come up with a much better way to call you out.... I have since calmed down, and Racin' has been nothing but courteous, and trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.... while you still disrespect both of us with your un-witty canted responses.

You accuse us of treating you poorly, which I admittedly did in the start, and I apologize, but Racin' has been more than respectful and you still spit in his face. The fact of the matter is, we know exactly what you are doing the pumps. We are not disputing the max fuel numbers you are claiming in SOME of these pumps.... while they are unlikely due to efficiency loss, they are possible, at a price. That price is tune ability, reliability, and a narrow power band. You claim that if you do "the right mods" that stock parts are reliable, yet you have 1200 miles on a pump according to you. These pumps were designed to last approx 100,000 miles. No matter how much you want to think that you have figured out some magical recipe, its just not true. I spent a good portion of the night searching all your past posts, looking at your VE work on Comp-D... ect. I know exactly what you guys are doing, and our points stand.
Funniest part about all this is cumminsfever has a 4 cylinder that would walk your sorry ass all day long! Does he brag about how big an bad it is? No! Not to mention other engines we have sitting around at the shop ...

Either one of you guys courteous .... lmao! Not even close! Don't forget wen changing your diaper to change your pants! Remember, shit splatters!!
I think you are more similar to Obama. You are deceptive, passive, and fail to comprehend where we are coming from.

Go back through this thread and count how many times we said you could just build a pump to put out a high max fuel number, we even proved we know how to do it. What you don't grasp is this:

Our goals with these pumps is to get a decently high max fuel number, across the entire engine operating rpm. We have been building the pumps to be reliable, marketable, and production style pumps. We have over a year of run time, ten thousands of miles of actual test time, hours of bench time.

You on the other hand are focusing on the math and what can be done to just get max fuel. The pumps you build could never be brought into a production market. We have told you exactly why, and while you stare into the face of indisputable proof, you still seem to think you have something over us. Its really quite sad because while I realize I don't have very good tact, and could of probably come up with a much better way to call you out.... I have since calmed down, and Racin' has been nothing but courteous, and trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.... while you still disrespect both of us with your un-witty canted responses.

You accuse us of treating you poorly, which I admittedly did in the start, and I apologize, but Racin' has been more than respectful and you still spit in his face. The fact of the matter is, we know exactly what you are doing the pumps. We are not disputing the max fuel numbers you are claiming in SOME of these pumps.... while they are unlikely due to efficiency loss, they are possible, at a price. That price is tune ability, reliability, and a narrow power band. You claim that if you do "the right mods" that stock parts are reliable, yet you have 1200 miles on a pump according to you. These pumps were designed to last approx 100,000 miles. No matter how much you want to think that you have figured out some magical recipe, its just not true. I spent a good portion of the night searching all your past posts, looking at your VE work on Comp-D... ect. I know exactly what you guys are doing, and our points stand.

Man with little character make fun of other people's work. Man with good work let his work speak for itself.

Simply put- our pumps outbench your's, outperform, and at this point, no issues. Maybe when we get an engine that will hold up to this amount of fuel, we'll find out the pump's longevity.
till then, we drive, and fix bent rods, broken blocks, and transmissions :)
Funniest part about all this is cumminsfever has a 4 cylinder that would walk your sorry ass all day long! Does he brag about how big an bad it is? No! Not to mention other engines we have sitting around at the shop ...

Either one of you guys courteous .... lmao! Not even close! Don't forget wen changing your diaper to change your pants! Remember, shit splatters!!

Another post that shows your lack of intelligence. Not everyone in PA is as uneducated as you, I hope.
Man with little character make fun of other people's work. Man with good work let his work speak for itself.

Simply put- our pumps outbench your's, outperform, and at this point, no issues. Maybe when we get an engine that will hold up to this amount of fuel, we'll find out the pump's longevity.
till then, we drive, and fix bent rods, broken blocks, and transmissions :)

Simply put, Racin' and I have made you look foolish to everyone looking in. That is all I personally wanted to do. Expose you for the scam artists, and hack jobs you really are. How can you claim to outperform me? You have no ET/Trap speeds, you have no dyno sheets, you have no flow bench numbers. You have math as broken as your moms snaggle tooth and some pictures of bird sh*t welds on your "custom fabbed parts".... what did you use to weld up that inlet hat? A cake decorator?

You know how many rods I've bent? blocks I've broken? Trannies I've fried? None. Get into a better platform. International cast your upgraded blocks, but unfortunately that did nothing for the rest of the problem.

I will never let you get away with pedaling your BS on the internet again.... and this thread will forever live as proof.
Simply put, Racin' and I have made you look foolish to everyone looking in. That is all I personally wanted to do. Expose you for the scam artists, and hack jobs you really are. How can you claim to outperform me? You have no ET/Trap speeds, you have no dyno sheets, you have no flow bench numbers. You have math as broken as your moms snaggle tooth and some pictures of bird sh*t welds on your "custom fabbed parts".... what did you use to weld up that inlet hat? A cake decorator?

You know how many rods I've bent? blocks I've broken? Trannies I've fried? None. Get into a better platform. International cast your upgraded blocks, but unfortunately that did nothing for the rest of the problem.

I will never let you get away with pedaling your BS on the internet again.... and this thread will forever live as proof.

Yup yup! Another post, trying to belittle another person's work :)


I find you amusing :) Any more insults??