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Performance Tuning for the Tahoe

You obviously don't care what I think, what Racin' thinks.... or about simple physics. Gosh damn proof, logic, and reasoning. These properties don't exist in 6.5 land! Home of the magical injection pumps!

No. What I don't care about is your flavor of proof, logic, and reasoning.

I hate to break it to you, but your dick isn't as big as you think it is.
Seriously, you and your girlfriend up there have already worn out your welcome here. You clearly have nothing to learn from the little guys that love their inferior engines and we clearly couldn't give a rats *** less about anything you say, so what's the point of hanging out here? Not getting enough attention at home?

See, for some reason you think this is like racism against engines.

I said it previously, and I know you seen it but ignored it..... so I'll reiterate. I could give 10,000 sh*ts about 6.2/6.5 diesels. This is about stanadyne rotary injection pumps. I don't have a beef with this website, or about 99% of its members.

I have a beef with 6.2, cumminsfever, and littleboy. The liars.

Its unfortunate that a few of you, like yourself put SOOOO much stake into what they have to say about a particular subject, that when challenged, you get your panties into such a twist.

No. What I don't care about is your flavor of proof, logic, and reasoning.

I hate to break it to you, but your dick isn't as big as you think it is.

Furthers my point once again. Insults such as yours are a tell tale sign of a lack of intelligence.
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It is not a vague loaded question! You are just avoiding it. Can you flood your engine at any point while driving as in when spooling your turbo you can literally shut your engine down from overfueling.
Those videos are old, It has a 6.2 now instead. Nmb2,said it can't possibly make 40+ Psi boost,with a 2 plunger .310 pump. I took a video for proof. I'm still called a liar. He is just upset because, me and Cumminsfever can get a lot of fuel from small 2 plunger pumps. He wan'ts us to let him in on the secret to this,but calls us liars first.
Mike k3500 I think you mean NuMB skulls stooge is racinNdrummin and not littleboy lol

NuMB2 skull,

Really!!!??? REALLLYYYYY!!!!?????? You had to bring in another guy who does stock rebuilds and bases off of stock to do mods to prove your point!!!???? Or my next best guess is you created another account and posted from it.
And another thing I never heard somebody use the term mouth breather so much in my life except for idiot marines. I thought I was out of the military? It's jackasses like you who don't make the site enjoyable or worth even coming on anymore. Is it that inconceivable that somebody may KNOW MORE THAN YOU!!!!??????? It's a shame you turned this thread into what it has become honestly. If you actually think that you corner the market of knowledge on pump mods and rebuilding them why aren't you in business to do so if you know it all and are obviously the best? Hmmmmmm??????

But, your obviously best at being ignorant with the your way or the highway attitude you have so I suggest keep on doing that and take your drivel elsewhere bro


I dont know if I could roll my eyes any harder at that statement... Stooge??

The thing about this stuff and the reason you guys are being put through the ringer, is you have NO PROOF.. How hard is that to get?? NMB2 and I dont make outlandish claims without actually backing it up with something to prove our points. You guys have NO dyno numbers, NO pump bench numbers, NO theory (Besides "this is the displacement of the plunger"), and Your statement is "Take our word for it"... Get your rides on a Dyno, or take them to the track, then you can talk about what your pump makes, because then we will know...
Haha Mike it's all cool !! :thumbsup: I love that pic! It fits so good!!!

To the other numbskull2 , your attitude precedes you!!! It's all about me. This site will never be bettered by people who say , i know more than you ,i know this ,i know you can't do that, i doubt you,etc...... Take your i attitude and go away . This site is about US and learning and helping!!!! The best people in the world can still learn from a little child.... We may bench our next pump but the shop we use has no print out . Just the mans word. Thats all i need! ;)

Thats funny because thats exactly what YOUR doing... All I did was state the reasons why the pumps will NOT do what you claim, and You turn around and do exactly what you said this site is not bettered by...If you want to better the site, have a real debate, with somebody who's lips arent firmly attached to your sack... Im here to do just that, shed some light on your mysteries...

Your mans word may be good enough for you, but to those of us who desire real scientific proof, we need some tangible reality... even if that means some penciled specs on a napkin....
I dont know if I could roll my eyes any harder at that statement... Stooge??

The thing about this stuff and the reason you guys are being put through the ringer, is you have NO PROOF.. How hard is that to get?? NMB2 and I dont make outlandish claims without actually backing it up with something to prove our points. You guys have NO dyno numbers, NO pump bench numbers, NO theory (Besides "this is the displacement of the plunger"), and Your statement is "Take our word for it"... Get your rides on a Dyno, or take them to the track, then you can talk about what your pump makes, because then we will know...

I guess you missed the part where 6.2turbo took his pump to a local shop and had it benched?

Also looks like what you guys say "can't be done" is working quite well for us, and you guys can't handle that so well.
With better attitude, we would be inclined to share what we did. But outrite calling us out... nah. We're inclined to keep driving our junk, and letting you guys continue to wonder what we know that you wish you knew :)
With all this knowlege, why don't you make a pump put out 400cc? Or even 300? Even 200 would be accomplishment :)

Correctly knowing how to modify a pump is the key here. With correct mod, stock parts hold up quite well.

I can't take pics of internals of a pump that is on my truck and running. Neither can 6.2turbo.

Because A) a 400cc DB4 is very highly unlikely, even with a full EDM, input shaft, full custom head and rotor, and custom cam ring... Besides, its not worth it, you can adapt a better pump for less money...

and B) Just by throwing out numbers like that, it shows your real knowledge of these pumps... You clearly do not understand them, nor have the ability to grasp how to make them deliver...

All I hear is "with the correct mod", and "If you knew the way to get fuel from them"... Yet you show nothing to back yourself up... Between 6.2 and yourself, you guy have NO pictures of these "custom" parts, and No description of them, just "this is what ive done", with some vague generic (As far as these pumps are concerned) way of "gettin' the fuel outta um"... We are in the day and age of the net and cameras, everybody has at least one... Dont bitch when you have no proof of your parts, and somebody calls you out on it...
I guess you missed the part where 6.2turbo took his pump to a local shop and had it benched?

Also looks like what you guys say "can't be done" is working quite well for us, and you guys can't handle that so well.
With better attitude, we would be inclined to share what we did. But outrite calling us out... nah. We're inclined to keep driving our junk, and letting you guys continue to wonder what we know that you wish you knew :)

I sure did, which post was that?

Oh and you are highly underestimating my knowledge of these pumps... Trust me, you can talk to me like an adult... Ive been extending the same courtesy to you...
Nmb2, i have a question. Can you flood your engine with the pump you have built?

Yes he could... If his calibrations were off to the moon, and he had no idea how to make a DB series pump run correctly...

But otherwise no, because we dont drive our trucks up the driveway with some willy-nilly pump adjustment, and proclaim we just made history with a DBx pump... And then 30 minutes later have the other pump back on and driving because "it was too wore out", or "was in the other truck" or something along those lines... put 10's of thousands of miles on your mods, and see how they fair..
I sure did, which post was that?

Oh and you are highly underestimating my knowledge of these pumps... Trust me, you can talk to me like an adult... Ive been extending the same courtesy to you...

Ok. Let's see here. You KNOW what can and can't be done... according to your previous posts. So... there really isn't anything else to say :)
Those videos are old, It has a 6.2 now instead. Nmb2,said it can't possibly make 40+ Psi boost,with a 2 plunger .310 pump. I took a video for proof. I'm still called a liar. He is just upset because, me and Cumminsfever can get a lot of fuel from small 2 plunger pumps. He wan'ts us to let him in on the secret to this,but calls us liars first.

I dont doubt your numbers at all, I think they are legit... However thats because the 6.2/5 is a SERIOUSLY restricted engine, not because you are delivering obscene amounts of fuel... If you could put a 2.7PR into the cylinder (not the manifold), and combust a 100+ cc's of fuel at ANY point in the RPM range, you would have some REAL numbers, and REAL acceleration vids... My truck could take yours, and I dyno'd 235whp....Thats 2.6hp/cc... Right down the line you should be putting out...