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Performance Tuning for the Tahoe

I cannot believe the self righteousness and arrogancy that some certain child has... I'll be damned if this character isn't the "BE ALL END ALL" with his fancy schmancy custom EDM'd DB4 pump and all the greatness of the his 6.9

Apparently "NOBODY" or "NO" 6.5 could be as good or make as much power as the "Oh so great" 6.9 / 7.3 And apparently "Nobody" could make a DB series pump 2 or 4 plunger do what "HOLIER then THOU" NMB2 can do.

Kinda funny how a complete "VIRGIN" Optimzer can make ALMOST as much power (with a junk stock lift pump, 1/4" IP inlet, a virgin DB2, side hung turbo mounting) as you "WITHOUT" even having been opened up, including all the greatness you have done with your 6.9

Maybe I should just quit being lazy and finish up my own DB4 pumped Optimizer truck project and put it on the rollers.
you have a lot to learn. I have put 10 times the amount on my pump than you have. I'll be watching and waiting to see the carnage ;)
Prove it...you can't.

Furthermore, stop making this about my 6.9 IDI vs the GM IDI's.

It isn't except you seem to keep making it "all about you" or can't you see that?

anytime that debate has come up, it is because I was baited into it... not starting it.

May I respectfully suggest you change diets or taking everything personally. Nobody is trying to bait you but, again, you seem to think its all about you and like the little bastard poking people with a stick, you bitch when the retaliate. Some have taken the opportunity to return your insults without subtlety and call you on your condescension but of course, its not your fault right?

I have an interest in the stanadyne rotary pumps, which our platforms share, and our engines are similar, so they are similar. That's it.

So discuss the differences and what can or can't be done.

I note that Buddy posted some mathematical information on a pump and mathematically speaking it was pointed out it would appear that it would outperform yours and, in the spirit of discussion, you respectfully (sarcasm) point out that "they're mouth breathers!" Then your worn out Believe Me for my observations, claims, experiences but F@#$% YOU guys for yours. For pity sake, its a DISCUSSION and until the pumps are run (yours and his) its all math, theory, experimentation and comparing experiences. But it seems that isn't playing by your rules so you go back to the appeal to authority position you do so well, or your newest trick, change the basis for the comparison of results to help further whatever your agenda seems to be...and then whine you have no self control and are unable to resist non-existent bait.
Prove it...you can't..

If you're serious, actually I can. I took video and picture of my odometer on my trucks maiden voyage with the DB4, and have since taken pictures of it to have picture documentation of how many miles in what period of time I put on it.

It's not even worth arguing with you anymore. I hoped that I could learn some trick here but what I have found is a bunch of people that couldn't afford to buy a duramax.

The funniest part, is that although I am the big d*ck head, the poser, and the guy who needs to learn more.......I by FAR have the nicest truck, and make the most power, by a substantial margin, and did it all myself. I have nothing to learn from you clowns. Keep paper racing! Although unlikely, maybe someday one of you could achieve my greatness ;)
"Can't afford to buy a Duramax"..... Some of us CHOOSE not to...;)

AND some of us prefer the GMT 400 body style over the newer ones. As far as making the "most power by a substantial margin...." THAT is yet to be determined.. !!! Besides, I think I can remember you making big claims of 400+ rwhp right from the git go but ya kinda fell a lil short eh.

You're just so special... kinda almost feel bad for ya, you're kinda like a lil mouthy punk teenage kid.
Yep I agree you have nothing to learn from clowns like us, because we aren't fooling with old junk ass 6.9's AND we sure as hell aren't learning anything from you "EXCEPT" to possibly teach our kids how "NOT" to act.... You are the perfect example / poster child for that.
Play Time...:)

If you're serious, actually I can. I took video and picture of my odometer on my trucks maiden voyage with the DB4, and have since taken pictures of it to have picture documentation of how many miles in what period of time I put on it.
You demand it of others to back up their observations, experiences and points of view so why didn't you do that in the first place?

It's not even worth arguing with you anymore.
I'm not arguing and others here would appreciate an open discussion without your condescension.

I hoped that I could learn some trick here but what I have found is a bunch of people that couldn't afford to buy a duramax.
Back to the insults with the I'm the injured one line of attack. By the way, uou don't have a D-Max either... and to be honest with yourself and us for a change, you're just like the rest of us here, you don't want one for many different reasons.

The funniest part, is that although I am the big d*ck head, the poser, and the guy who needs to learn more...
It's not all that funny, and you've stirred a lot of pots here with your opinions but this statement of yours is the most honest one you've made and one I think nobody here will argue or discuss at length with you.

I by FAR have the nicest truck, and make the most power, by a substantial margin, and did it all myself.
A purely subjective statement at best. I will agree that your truck does LOOK nice (I think it does anyway) but as for making the most power, it only does in an RPM band YOU feel is worthy of comparison, again, an attempt to gain the winning position by changing the playing conditions...and, in the end, it is only your opinion and you're welcome to it. "Substantial Margin" is again subjective, petty, and pretty close to a braggarts statement that is argumentative and not worth discussion. "Did it all [yourself]." Congrats. Don't strain your arm patting yourself on the back. Those guys on your IP team and those friends who helped you with the parts deals you claim to have received will be honored to hear they had nothing at all to contribute to your truck.

I have nothing to learn from you clowns.
:nopity:Again, the appeal to authority and a point you make just about every time you post, which seems to be a lot. Too bad, you SEEM to know a lot. You've certainly tried to convince others here of that you know a lot. So far, you're the only one convinced. As long as you're convinced though. Hint, You can shut up now.

Keep paper racing! Although unlikely, maybe someday one of you could achieve my greatness:9898:
Research never hurt anyone's projects so the paper racing is actually a good thing. Your "greatness" is something I seriously doubt anyone here will ever desire to achieve.

Please, with all your knowledge and greatness, exercise a little reading comprehension and realize that there is no place in any of this posting that is asking you for a reply.:agreed:

I have been entertained and, at times, educated by your posts. More though, I've been saddened by the emotion you've managed to induce in the membership.

6.2 Turbo, Cumminsfever, Littleboy, Mike K3500, Cash2wind, Orionthade, and others, thanks for putting up with this post and allowing the digression from the thread's topic. 6.2, wishing you well, on your rebuild and to hearing your observations on the results of the efforts you and, unless I'm mistaken, Cumminsfever and Littleboy are helping with(?)
as for making the most power, it only does in an RPM band YOU feel is worthy of comparison,

screw the powerband, because we all know the 6.5 cant hold a candle with me below 3,000rpm. Lets look at max power. I made 292rwhp/614rwtq. 29% coast down - 377bhp/792btq

You all will be among the first to see the new dyno sheet come out with the new pump...Whether it be more or less than I make now by any margin. I don't hide or doctor up results.

Research never hurt anyone's projects so the paper racing is actually a good thing.

Paper racing is for those without the wallet or the skill to build a marketable product.

I'll be doing a cross country wheeling trip this fall. Anyone in my path that doubts my claims is welcomed, and encouraged to debunk them in person. I'll be passing right through your neck of the woods Paveltolz
Paper racing is for those without the wallet or the skill to build a marketable product.
Your opinion...

I'll be doing a cross country wheeling trip this fall. Anyone in my path that doubts my claims is welcomed, and encouraged to debunk them in person. I'll be passing right through your neck of the woods Paveltolz

Your're of course welcome to drive on through the neck of the woods. But most of it's burned down anyway, kinda like your welcome.
I have nothing to learn from you clowns.

Great, then GTFO.

It's funny. You were run off of OBN. Got sh*t from everyone at PSN. And now, IMO, you've overstayed your welcome at TTS.

Let's do some basic math: What's the least common denominator in all three of the above scenario?

Answer: It's f*ckwad with the 6.9.
Great, then GTFO.

It's funny. You were run off of OBN. Got sh*t from everyone at PSN. And now, IMO, you've overstayed your welcome at TTS.

Run off OBN? I was banned, not run off.... they got butthurt, just as you are. I was one of about 15 people... I think that disqualifies me as the common denominator.

I got sh*t all through my build, from the same select few on PSN. One of them has died... literally, one of them has reconciled his differences with me and is on my bandwagon, and the other disappeared from the internetz. I'm actually quite accepted on PSN now. As well as FTE, PBB, TRS, and my build surprisingly has caught zero flack from the CTD guys @ comp-d

Let's do some basic math: What's the least common denominator in all three of the above scenario?

Answer: It's f*ckwad with the 6.9.

I'm a dick on the internet. You act as if I don't know this?

Your're of course welcome to drive on through the neck of the woods. But most of it's burned down anyway, kinda like your welcome.

Look who's butthurt LOL

Back to the insults with the I'm the injured one line of attack. By the way, you don't have a D-Max either... and to be honest with yourself and us for a change, you're just like the rest of us here, you don't want one for many different reasons.

Me, injured? Never... I'm the lion MF.

Once again, you strike out. I'm currently looking @ an RCLB LB7 to build a drag truck with.
Nmb2 if ya like me an cumminsfever can stir you up on compd if you so desire an you will git your ass handed to ya!!!!!! Jus sayen ....
it's best to be nice to folk you don't know anything about!
Sorry about the bad video,second number is 40. Coolant tank boiled over when I shut it off,temp was 180.
I could make out the 40 on there, certainly looked like it hit it. Curious why you were just laying in then pulling out? What kind of RPM's was that? Do you have any videos of your speedometer to gauge how fast it accelerates? I was trying to gauge the speedo but it was hard.