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Eratic behavior from an 85' 6.2 (more below) requesting help please (Two vids in one)

What type of guage do you suggest, then?

I only choose that since I'm trying to match the style of guages
An.electric gauge. I haven't found one I'm wild about yet.

O e that showed vacuum would be ideal.

It would clearly show when your lift pump wasn't working at all and you were just running off the injection pump.

I would also like a combination dial and digital readout.
@MrMarty51 has a nice setup for his fuel pressure gauge. you don't have to but he setup two gauge sending units on his, one before the fuel filter and one after (up by the IP) and has a toggle switch in the cab to use them on the same gauge. flip the switch one way to see pressure before the fuel filter and then flip it again to see what is at the IP. this helps diagnose when it's time to replace the fuel filter along with other helpful diagnostics.

as far as other gauges, a trans temp can be tied into the lines feeding the trans cooler. just be sure to tie into the one coming out of the trans before the cooler, not the one coming back into the trans. I would avoid plumbing one into the pan to avoid any possible leaks in the future.

one other gauge is a EGT (exhaust gas temp) this is where you drill and tap a hole into your exhaust manifold below the turbo so you can monitor exhaust temps. iirc anything over 1200 deg is bad for these engines.

for my wish list I would like to have the following on my rigs.... Boost (already have), fuel pressure, EGT, trans temp, rear diff temp, engine oil temp, and overdrive temp (I have a gear vendors overdrive unit attached to the rear of the trans). And of course make the dash look like a Peterbilt HAHA.
