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Banks sidewinder exhaust manifold group buy.

With the gapless rings is there anything to keep the 2 different rings from rotating with vibration and what ever and aligning the gaps.

OR is that a worry? Or if they can rotate is it like a clock and only be aligned at one time and will rotate more and get out of time????? And odds are they will stay out of alignment most all they time?

Did you have to size them anyway or out of the box and install?
Any one know how to speed up the download time to Youtube? This 8 min vid took 75 minutes!! (pretty typical times for me)
The two major limiting factors to upload times to YouTube are your upstream speed of your Internet connection and the amount of compression/resolution of your video. An MP4 encoded 480p 4:3 a/r mono video will upload much, much faster than an AVCHD 1080p 16:9 a/r with a Dolby 5.1 surround soundtrack (like I shoot my live music video in). With a 2Mb upload connection, it takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to upload an 8-10 minute video (about a 1Gb sized file).
With the gapless rings is there anything to keep the 2 different rings from rotating with vibration and what ever and aligning the gaps.

OR is that a worry? Or if they can rotate is it like a clock and only be aligned at one time and will rotate more and get out of time????? And odds are they will stay out of alignment most all they time?

Did you have to size them anyway or out of the box and install?
It is possible for the gaps to align, but I don't dont think they ever will. When they are compressed in the cylinder along with the friction of the thin ring against the surface or the 2nd ring it should not be moving. Also I've never "heard " of it happening, but I did not actively search that info.
You do need to make sure end gaps are correct as you would any other ring. Mine were done before sending out for machine work.
The two major limiting factors to upload times to YouTube are your upstream speed of your Internet connection and the amount of compression/resolution of your video. An MP4 encoded 480p 4:3 a/r mono video will upload much, much faster than an AVCHD 1080p 16:9 a/r with a Dolby 5.1 surround soundtrack (like I shoot my live music video in). With a 2Mb upload connection, it takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to upload an 8-10 minute video (about a 1Gb sized file).
Im so ignorant to those type of things. My camera has a "video" mode, not sure if I can change the resolution on it. I do have high speed internet connection.
High speed is a relative term and basically means anything faster than a dial-up modem, and Internet Providers will almost always reference their download speeds (data going into your computer) when referencing "High Speed" Internet. Example, TimeWarner Cable (boo, hiss) advertises their Roadrunner Standard internet as 30Mbps (megabits per second) which is pretty fast and allows unbuffered streaming video downloads from Hulu or Netflix with pretty much no problem.

Now, if you look at the Uplink speed of RR Standard's Internet connection, you'll find that the upload speed (optimal) is only 1Mbps and often times runs more like 700Kbps or as low as 500Kbps upload speeds. So, a typical video shot with a 10 Megapixel pocket digital camera of ten minutes length can easily be an uncompressed data file of 800Megabits in size, so it could easily take about 1,000 seconds - or about 15-17 minutes to upload to a site.
Sorry for low quality vid. I have it on the lowest resolution my camera has. Upload to Youtube was very fast this time though;). I'll try the medium resolution setting next time.

Oringing ARP head studs.

ARP head stud install.

Nice work Leroy, and looking good! However, I do need to say that this oring idea wasn't mine. It was the turbonator brothers.
Looking forward to the next video, and really hoping I can make it up that way to have a closer look. :)

By my count it took 18 whole seconds to do one hole. I wound up only using one step bit for both heads. So I figure in total this job inlcuding orings was $15 and took just over 10 minutes. Not a bad investment.

If I had known Turbonnater had thought it up I'd of done something different.;)

Just kidding! its a good idea