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Ahhhh ... I'm home!

You should at least change your status to Sargent. If you remain a recruit, I will have to think of something lower for myself.
Davo - 2 hints:

A - GM used aluminum snout on their NV4500's - t\o bearing soon eats it away - use the Dodge cast-iron snout for longer life

B - the 6.5 has a dual-mass flywheel, which is like a harmonic-balancer and shock-absorber for the pto end of the block - replace it with a standard flywheel and clutch - the noise you're prolly hearing is the worn-out dual-mass fly-weight rattling on it's worn staunchions

C - don't fergit the pilot-shaft bearing in the crank - if it hasn't already eaten away the shaft snout, it soon will, and thassa 'nuther noise

Well....that's three hints......so sue me.......................
x2 on whats been said b4, glad that ones still check pm's from dp or I might not have found this as quick. This site has a good homegrown gritty feel to it, guys helping guys, and no sound of the word profit.

I'm glad I found you guys. I am just about to learn enough about the 6.5 to be able to "Maybe" help someone else. All thanks to you who have helped me in the past. Mike
Thanks Aces for the PM. Hadn't been on the other site for a month or so and didn't know about all the changes.

Before anyone says anything. I'll get the sig done later.
Better late than never, thanks to Stateman! I'm on board. Just could't live without the insight and experience of a few really great moderators, eventhought I am a relative neewbee. Chalk up your second Manitoban! Onward and Upward!
Better late than never, thanks to Stateman! I'm on board. Just could't live without the insight and experience of a few really great moderators, eventhought I am a relative neewbee. Chalk up your second Manitoban! Onward and Upward!

Glad to have you aboard, I figured a few people may have at least had the opportunity to join use with a little help.

Wanted to say Hi to the guys...

More importantly, the 6.5 is consistently running flawlessly... Almost wish something would happen so I can break out the wrenches!

I'm not eved afraid to jinx the beast.

OH yeah, added twin 195 T-Stats. Had 190's, notice no difference and with a leaky fuel tank above 1/2ish its too much aggreivation to measure MPG's at the moment. Found new tank for 150 new though, so I Guess i have stuff i could be picking up the wrenches for!

Starting a new gig next week and the money should be great, so 4" Exhaust is next to help MPG's.
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Happy friday the 13th!! You guy's helped me out so much at the other place.................I just had to come along!
Gotta say, I logged in the old site today for first time in awhile. It's a shame what it turned into. More like romper room now than a good resource for tech discussion. It has deteriorated IMO since some of the key people stopped spending time there.
Gotta say, I logged in the old site today for first time in awhile. It's a shame what it turned into. More like romper room now than a good resource for tech discussion. It has deteriorated IMO since some of the key people stopped spending time there.

I agree, should we have services for the site? Just out of respect :idea:
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to pass on the 'place' to its new posters. Mr. HeavyChevy, wielder of the almighty GM service manual shall preach about air in fuel from now until hell freezes over.

From Dust and obscurity you came, to Dust and obscurity you shall return.

The service was beautiful, any last comments :queasy: