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Ahhhh ... I'm home!

if theres any turbo gurus here PLEASE i beg of you. go make sure what ron posted on gm-diesel is correct before someone tries to check turbo shaft play with the engine running or something else bad happens. Ron created a "sticky" of his "knowledge" on turbos. seems that he claims turbo whistle means the bearings are bad. TD if you see this please post there before people start replacing parts that aren't broken because "Ron said they were broken". :puke::frown2:

thread is here
He's not a mod on that site correct ? Dave , you should email the site owner and tell them that this idiot is handing out very bad advice and if people start taking it the site will lose members. That would be the best way to stop him and save innocent newbies from the stupidity he spills.
PS> Don't mention this site at all. We don't want him showing up here like a NYC cockroach. There is too much good technical discussion and like most of us my time is limited with family and best not wasted arguing with a moron like him.
He's not a mod on that site correct ? Dave , you should email the site owner and tell them that this idiot is handing out very bad advice and if people start taking it the site will lose members. That would be the best way to stop him and save innocent newbies from the stupidity he spills.
PS> Don't mention this site at all. We don't want him showing up here like a NYC cockroach. There is too much good technical discussion and like most of us my time is limited with family and best not wasted arguing with a moron like him.

he gone from both sites so he says. he said he left DP and he said he left Gmdiesel because " Originally Posted by Ron Rousseau View Post
Well, after some consideration, Ive decided to leave the forums. Im tired of Dave and his cheerleading squad following me around and hurrassing me EVERYWHERE I GO.
I dont need the aggrevation, my truck runs like BRAND NEW since Ive taken over the wrenching, more than I can say for ANY POWS GM SHOP!
I'll let the cheerleaders get back to pushing there parts instead of offering any type or form of preliminary troubleshooting. Now I know why Turbine Doc left the forums, people like Dave.
For the record DAVIE BOY, my daughter is older than you are and I'll bet $1000.00 she'll woop your ass in an EXTREME CAGE FIGHT! Dont think so? Just come on down with your getto lookin POS and "lets get it on."

To those of you Ive come to think of as e-friends, you know who you are, I thank you and I wish you all the best of luck. I didn't come here to intentional mislead or manipulate anyone into buying parts, just help folks avoid Ms Diagnosis cause Mr GoodWrench has left the building!
Good By."

nice of him huh? i set him straight that TD didn't leave because of people like me yet i kept his reason for leaving private. i spoke to matt collins about it and i asked him if the 6.5 section can be cleaned up. if theres any way, can some people from here help me and RC turn that forum around?

and don't worry , nothing about this place was ever mentioned. that like telling the enemy where the nuke is hidden and the codes for it. its a very bad idea. :willynilly:
You know I only read the one thread that time you showed me about him telling some poor sap it was ok to run his 6.5 continoulsy at 235 deg. That was enough for me and I didn't need to read anymore. All I could think it some guy who's probably not got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of is gonna go cook an 8000$ motor cause this idiot told him it's ok. Good riddance.
OK so I was bored

went back over to the old site, thought I'd share a little of what I learned. It's a sin what that place turned into. The last thread I read was some guy who said he had a 6.5 that took a crap and wanted to know if a 5 lug gasser could pull some kind of trailer.It's heartbreaking to see what it became.
WOW, i think i clued into this page. i read all of the previous posts. not sure how i stumbled onto this site as the other page answered most of my questions regarding 6.5's i recall seeing a pm but musta got busy doing something else and forgot to sign up. hence member # 792. nice to see y'all. and ME BAD. just realized i forgot to update my sig and avatar. on it right now. Ed
ED! I been wondering why you weren't here!

Nice to see ya... and congrats on the H2O-Meth; looks sweet!
Found IT!!

Finally decoded the secret message at DP and found you guys::hurray:

Since the sale of this site, there's a new website which was started by former regulars who are uncool with the new owner and/or the decision of DP's creator to sell out without offering the site up for sale to members.

It involves diesel and towing, and they hope in time the new site will evolve into a useful resource like they thought of this site before the sell-out. They hope you will .come over and join.

Discussion of the mitsu turbo and kit workup is taking place over there
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Glad to see you guys making the trip, be sure to get word out to your friends there is a site still out here dedicated to the Diesel enthusiast, staffed & operated by people who actually own a Diesel, who's prime motivation for participating is helping other enthusiasts and not profit motive, ergo you won't see ads for "snake oil" products like "Diesel Secret" here.
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I read a lot and don't talk much, but I stumbled on this site back in May by accident. I recognized a lot of signatures, so here I am.
Nice to see ya’ll. I am not well known by any of ya’ll, but I do own a 6.5 TD. I have had it for a couple of years now. And just recently stared having problems. With some of ya’ll having helped over in DP I was able to resolve them. I don’t know what I will be able to add to this forum, but from what I can see already I will be able to advance my knowledge.

Thanks to 93 burrito’s subliminal message I have been able to find ya’ll.:leaving:

Hope ya’ll don’t mind having a newbie to the forum with not much knowledge. I was in the automotive field for 20 years. I was plant manager of a couple custom conversion companies till the big 3 regulated us out of business:pissed:. That was in the 90’s so a lot of things have changed since then.
Nice to see ya’ll. I am not well known by any of ya’ll, but I do own a 6.5 TD. I have had it for a couple of years now. And just recently stared having problems. With some of ya’ll having helped over in DP I was able to resolve them. I don’t know what I will be able to add to this forum, but from what I can see already I will be able to advance my knowledge.

Thanks to 93 burrito’s subliminal message I have been able to find ya’ll.:leaving:

Hope ya’ll don’t mind having a newbie to the forum with not much knowledge. I was in the automotive field for 20 years. I was plant manager of a couple custom conversion companies till the big 3 regulated us out of business:pissed:. That was in the 90’s so a lot of things have changed since then.

Welcome :cornut:
Looks like someone's been PM recruiting :) I do that here and there when I see someone needs help and the old site just isn't helping em.

Welcome guys. Or perhaps, welcome back is more like it.