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1996 K2500 “Krovvy”

This week I finished the exhaust up.

First I bent of some 1/2” rods and used those to tie the pipes to each other so they couldn’t shift out of position from each other. I also used those rods as the foundation for the hangers. I cut the mounts off the factory pipes and welded those to the rods.

Once that was done, I cleaned the pipes and mufflers up to prep them for paint. I intended to use KBS XTC paint for the whole exhaust, but as I read the instructions again, I was afraid the whole exhaust wouldn’t get hot enough to cure the paint as they said it needed to reach 350 degrees to fully cure. I contacted KBS to see if my suspicions were correct and they said they were. Damn. I didn’t want to figure out putting the pipes in an oven somewhere, so instead I coated the head pipes in the XTC and then did the rest of the pipes in Rustoleum Professional. The data sheet says it will stand up to 200 degrees, so I think it will be ok…..and if it doesn’t hold up, then I will recoat the parts where the paint fails in the XTC.

Yesterday I got the exhaust mounted. It turned out pretty well.


Today I started running the lines for the remote oil filter. That is proving to be tricky to get around the exhaust and driveshaft, but I’m close to a solution.