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  1. chris4521

    Anyone ever try injecting oxygen?

    I know what you're saying, and the reason that happens is because the rag itself is being used as the fuel and the oxygen is merely the catalyst that makes the rag burn must faster ( rapid oxidization ) than normally. A clean rag will burn on it's own- not very well, but introduce 100% oxygen...
  2. chris4521

    Anyone ever try injecting oxygen?

    i am no expert here but I think propane would be better performance wise anyway....The way i see it is Propane is explosive, whereas oxygen is Not....oxygen will make a flame burn faster or hotter, but it will not burn on it's own. I would be interested in seeing the effect of injecting it into...
  3. chris4521

    Enough broken 6.5 problems, how about a high mileage/dependable 6.5 thread?

    I bought my truck with 150,000KM...now have about 215,000KM on it Only major fix i've done is a PMD, LP, regular fuel filter, oil+filter changes I drive it hard...it's a landscaping work truck. I regularly have over 2000lb in the BED of the truck and she has yet to let me down. Starts every...
  4. chris4521

    Wrapping up 2010, what did you do on your 6.5

    all my girl got this year was a front end alignment and a couple filter changes :) Last year did: LP exhaust front pads trans fluid diff fluid all 4 tires windshield PMD vac pump removed
  5. chris4521

    Mystery mount. What goes here?

    my truck has the same little slot, but with no holes!! i've been wondering that for a while as well. I keep a rag jammed in there :)
  6. chris4521

    Rear Slider Yes or No

    id say slider for sure in a reg cab i dont know how I'd live without mine...although X2 on being easy to break into. I locked my keys in once and crawled through it to get them LOL Mine never rattled, but it seems pretty tight.
  7. chris4521

    Leaf spring time

    i got mine done at a big rig leaf shop i think it cost me $120 for 3 more installed Really helped, but stiffened the ride a bit. I heard airbags were the way to go but this was alot cheaper. Ive had about 2000# or more in the back before
  8. chris4521

    1st Dead Dipaco/DTech PMD ??

    ive had a dtech front mounted for about a year and a half now, no problems ( knock on wood ) but the talks of how they fail even worse than stanadyne have me paranoid! Guess i should look for a spare as well... Might even be worth keeping a spare harness, ive heard some of the aftermarket ones...
  9. chris4521

    Buddy's chips?

    seller name buddy..MUST be someone else.
  10. chris4521

    It's How I Roll

    yeah but you gain that in mileage! thats insane. my boat will drink about 200L in a day if you really want to, top speed 45Mph or so. I bet that volvo will last a lifetime. Watercooled turbine ...MMMmmmm you ever think of doing any power upgrades to it?
  11. chris4521

    It's How I Roll

    Nice engine. is yours the duo-prop or the single outdrive? How is that boat in waves?
  12. chris4521

    It's How I Roll

    Nope my boat has an outboard on it transom was re-done, closed, and a bracket put on- holding 200hp 2 stroke merc v6 wish i had twins :(
  13. chris4521

    It's How I Roll

    Very nice boat indeed any shots of the engine ? How much power does she put out. I love larger center consoles. I own an 84 Mako 224 CC myself
  14. chris4521

    Buddy's chips?

    *Drool* wish i had a 95 :(
  15. chris4521

    Puttin the 'ol girl away for the winter

    I dont think i can jackstand it - The gravel in the barn is pretty mushy and last year i stored a boat in it- the tires had sunken into the ground almost completely! I had planned on parking each of tires on a 3 foot long pc of 2x10 to distribute the weight. Also , in terms of the engine oil--...
  16. chris4521

    Puttin the 'ol girl away for the winter

    good idea , didnt even think about the critters. Ive heard horror stories of them chewing shit up !! Dont want that to happen.
  17. chris4521

    Puttin the 'ol girl away for the winter

    Since I don't use my truck for work during the winter and Ive got a little beater 4 banger to get me around, Im going to put her away. It will be in a Barn up north- not heated....she will be missed thats for sure Just wanted to get some info on what I can do to make sure she fires back up...
  18. chris4521

    6.5 In a Boat ???

    I think a 6.5 in a boat would be awesome...imagine the WTA IC possibilities!!!!!!!
  19. chris4521

    Bring it on! Att vs. Hx35

    Dually Great carnage pics and I like your thinking.. but i think us youngins need photo documentation of the girl performing the work, for proof's sake of course.
  20. chris4521

    Truck turned 200,000KM and gave me a present

    Soooo I rolled over 200,000KM today (ive had her since 150) and the truck gave me a sweet little surprise... I was watching the odometer and smiling and the smile abruptly left my face when i smelled diesel.. Pulled into the lumber yard lot to pick up some lumber, popped the hood and noticed...