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which exhaust is everyone running?

yea my buddy has a single 6" stack in a single cab so its right by his head and its not too bad unless you are on a 7 hour trip on the highway lol
true, my exhaust gets a decent drone when im driving around 50-60 when the tc is locked up in 6th gear the radio helps but you can still hear it in the back round, but i still like the sound of my exhaust alot more then to be bothered by some drone
I dont get too much drone but I know its there. I find myself driving with the passenger side-rear window down. Who needs a radio when u have a turbo?
haha ive been driving with my passenger side rear window half way down in the winter so i can hear it, and it never gets old!!!
I love driving under bridges and especially in parking ramps.. And find myself driving woth the pass window down and playing with the throttle just to listen to our quiet turbos.

Any body else find themselves putting it in tow haul or shifting down just to make it louder in parking lots and ramps.
all the time hell if im in traffic under a bridge i will be on the brake a little while giving it gas to make it louder lol, and i love the sound when driving in the city it echoes off of building really nice
so I did my stack on monday.

5" straight pipe from the downpipe back to a single 5" mitre cut stackk thats level with the cab.

LOUD. Thats all I can say. Open the passenger side rear window and its really fun to listen to.

Had tons of people tell me it dounds like a pulling tractor or cummins especially when I put in a tune with no pilot injection and a lot of fuel/timing.

The drone isnt too bad, however it doesnt matter which rpm Im at I can never hear the motor over the exhaust.

Right now I love it, might get old down the road, but It sounds really nice so I doubt it.
Ill probably email it to you then If I figure out how to.

Unfortuneatly it will most likely be an iMovie file so unless you have a mac you wont be able to open it.

Now that I think of it, it might be a Ouicktime file so you should be able to do something.

Theres some things Im good at with computers and others that Im not. But well give er a shot.

What should I make the vid of. Just me driving with it??

I think Ill get one of me driving away, af course blowing some smoke, and another one in the cab with the rear pass side window open to hear how nice it sounds.
yea thats fine and you can also do just reving up the engine in the driveway if you wanted but the smoke would deff make it better
RBP 4" Turbo-Back and loving it!!!!!!!
