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What did you do with your GMT400 today...or yesterday....

Ok so I have a new oil pressure sensor now, that all looks good. However, on the mechanical gauge, it seems we are not actually getting 40psi at idle like I originally thought. It turns out, at WARM idle I’m only getting 25-30 psi... And sometimes it’s steady and sometimes the needle was gently bouncing a little...
What do you think?

(I know this is a tired engine btw, and as I paid $500 for this truck and given the condition it is in, I’m not losing anything if it dies lol.)
Mine runs around 25 on the dash gauge warm at idle and will jump up to around 40 as soon as i give it some throttle, though I have not put a mechanical gauge to it. it has 292k miles on the clock.
Ok so I have a new oil pressure sensor now, that all looks good. However, on the mechanical gauge, it seems we are not actually getting 40psi at idle like I originally thought. It turns out, at WARM idle I’m only getting 25-30 psi... And sometimes it’s steady and sometimes the needle was gently bouncing a little...
What do you think?

(I know this is a tired engine btw, and as I paid $500 for this truck and given the condition it is in, I’m not losing anything if it dies lol.)
Your OP is good.
Looks like we have decided to pass on O'le Betsey our dodge pickup to our daughter and son n law. he needs a pickup too! he drives a 2016 Challenger to work where he works at a concrete facility and comes home with the lower portion of his car covered in concrete and road base! the other day I mentioned something about it since his car had left a beige powder trail in front of the house. he said he's gonna have to do something soon because the last time he took it in for an oil change, they had to use a hammer and chisel to clean off the drain bolt so they could get a wrench on it !! o_O

I told him all that lime and concrete mix is worse that driving on salted roads up north. the frame and body will rot from the inside out. the day you start seeing it come through the quarter panels it's too late!!

we figured O'le Betsey would be a good work truck for him since the engine and tranny are good, just the interior is falling apart. even the AC still works. only thing that has been done over the years to her is water pump replacement. She needs some good TLC though like rubber hoses, belts, tires, and an alignment but other than that she's a good dependable rig. Besides, sitting under the pecan tree for the last several years hasn't been good for her.

the funny thing is that my daughter told me she remembers being little trying to climb into the back seat, she was so little she would lay over the back floorboard from the waist trying to climb in. LOL she was only knee high to a grasshopper back then, now she's 24 !
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Looks like we have decided to pass on O'le Betsey our dodge pickup to our daughter and son n law. he needs a pickup too! he drives a 2016 Challenger to work where he works at a concrete facility and comes home with the lower portion of his car covered in concrete and road base! the other day I mentioned something about it since his car had left a beige powder trail in front of the house. he said he's gonna have to do something soon because the last time he took it in for an oil change, they had to use a hammer and chisel to clean off the drain bolt so they could get a wrench on it !! o_O

I told him all that lime and concrete mix is worse that driving on salted roads up north. the frame and body will rot from the inside out. the day you start seeing it come through the quarter panels it's too late!!

we figured O'le Betsey would be a good work truck for him since the engine and tranny are good, just the interior is falling apart. even the AC still works. only thing that has been done over the years to her is water pump replacement. She needs some good TLC though like rubber hoses, belts, tires, and an alignment but other than that she's a good dependable rig. Besides, sitting under the pecan tree for the last several years hasn't been good for her.

the funny thing is that my daughter told me she remembers being little trying to climb into the back seat, she was so little she would lay over the back floorboard from the waist trying to climb in. LOL she was only knee high to a grasshopper back then, now she's 24 !
Give it a heavy oil bath
I had the same thought when his dad and I worked on replacing the flooring in his 12' trailer. he was trying to come up with an idea to help preserve the board due to how awfully expensive they were. I suggested using an old mop or pump sprayer with that old used diesel oil I have. and coating the wood at least once a year!
I had the same thought when his dad and I worked on replacing the flooring in his 12' trailer. he was trying to come up with an idea to help preserve the board due to how awfully expensive they were. I suggested using an old mop or pump sprayer with that old used diesel oil I have. and coating the wood at least once a year!
I used to spray around everything every time I got low.

Not so much anymore. Just because I haven't been getting low much.

I used anything and everything that was handy.
Then lanolin stuff didn't seem to hold up as well as oil.

Amsoil Heavy Duty Metal Protector seemed good but nasty stuff to be around.

Marvel Mystery Oil seemed as good as anything.

I've always kept a bottle of that in a pump sprayer.
I have friends that just moved to snow/ salted area.
They bought monthly rate car wash- so they drive through the car wash every other day.
I guess they have mega sprayers for underneath…

Still seems like a mistake imo
My vehicles held up better than the heated garage and car wash folks.

If still true, Car washes recycle water. At some point you're squirting your vehicle with salt water.
Had a friend that owned a couple car washes clue me in on that.

I always thought the repeated freeze thaw of a heated garage also accelerated rot.

I do know that oiling helps. My vehicles seemed to hold up better than average. Especially for the miles.
Oh yeah! they do re-use the water, I wonder if it's even filtered other than for the dirt. a while back they opened up an automatic car wash at our local HEB grocery store. I went through it a few times right after it opened up. it cleaned a dirty car mighty well then. not too long after that I went through it once more only to find that water stunk to high Heven. I talked to an attendant there asking what the deal was. he told me there was a big vat underneath that collected the water and re-used it. that only the find mist rinse was fresh water. YUK.. 🤢🤢🤮 never again did I go there, or anywhere else for that matter. all the wash places in town already had a bad rep. this one turned out to be no different.
Working for the oil/ fuel company here- when I left they owned sixty some odd car washes that were diy type and 20 drive through. None of them reused water.

I can’t imagine a car wash reusing water. The clean water goes through a serious high pressure pump. To run water full of dirt/ debris salt back through a high pressure pump that is similar to an ip for a diesel engine In pressure- to have to filter water that clean and that fast means the filtering system would have to be insanely huge and have a reserve tank for it to collect into and feed a supply pump to pressurize it through the filtering system. That one could be like a trash pump that wouldn’t get ruined by debris but the high pressure ones? iirc the ones to do the drive through style use four different pumps that have ten heads each. They are 30 hp 480v motors for each one.
They go through a ton of water. So you would have to have make up water because you can’t run those dry or they get ruined quickly.

I am not saying that no car wash could have it- but that seems insanely expensive expensive system just to reuse some water.

I would think any competing car wash could say “John’s car wash uses salt water” and that would be all the advertisement that “Bob’s car wash” would need to steal all their customers. Because you could never use that car wash without fear of salted water contamination on your classic car you never drive in the winter.
maybe it was just some chemical treatment they used or for that matter forgot to use, but the whole place had a pungent odor as if something was fermenting or like a foul mold smell. if they did reclaim the water or even treated it before going back into the drainage, I'm sure some chlorine could have fixed that

here at work we have several drainage vats that catch all the runoff water from rain and from our pressure wash down bays that treat the water, remove any grease or oils before the water is allowed to flow back into the city drainage, most of the water is captured treated and re-used in the mill to cool steel and the equipment. it's a fairly neat setup. it's also used to treat and clean all the water that is running though the cooling towers too. I once talked to one of the water techs here asking about them. he had told me that the water here after it's run though the treatment areas is actually cleaner than the public city water at the faucet! of course if you think about it, city water supplies aren't known to be that clean or honest about what's put into the water!!
Went to the front page, the DIY portion.
Was going to start posting in there about putting together this injector pressure tester.
Did not see a start new thread button to tap. That is from My phone though.
My son works in a power plant producing electricity. He called and I told him about the pump I’m putting together.
He told Me that they use stainless fittings and pipe.
Swagelok is the brand. I’m not sure about this 1/4” stuff but He said the stuff they use is good to about 8,000 PSI.
I guess I’ll wait until the fittings I got from fleabay arrives then put this thing together with those stainless fittings.
If I do try it out with these brass fittings, I will wrap all of the brass with leather, then use some tin and box it all in.
Kory said to wrap it with rags then put the tin over that. I thought leather would absorb the impact a little better.
He said they have steam at 700 PSI and 700 degrees.
If they see condensation collecting any place, that means there is a steam pressure leak. The steam is under such pressure and heat and the leak is invisible.
He said they have these sticks, they wrap a rag around the stick and shove it to where the suspected leak is. He said it cuts the rag clean.
He then said that if a person tests for one of those leaks with their hand, it slices off the fingers and cauterizes the cut at the same time. 😵‍💫😧

Yup. Like at the plastics to fuel place- we built parts of the plant from sf150 flanges and gaskets- that 150 is them being rated to 150 psi. But running at the temperatures we were that pressure rating went down to 25psi.

Stainless is the better fitting choice. Just wait for them to show up rather than effort spent on the wrapping.
Yup. Like at the plastics to fuel place- we built parts of the plant from sf150 flanges and gaskets- that 150 is them being rated to 150 psi. But running at the temperatures we were that pressure rating went down to 25psi.

Stainless is the better fitting choice. Just wait for them to show up rather than effort spent on the wrapping.
Yup. Thats whats happening. Didnt touch it today.
I did attempt to install new rocker arm buttons to the drivers side. Passenger side went great. Left side, broke two so now I’m going to order ten more. Got 16 from oriellys, broke two, now I’ll pull the rocker shafts and do it right and proper.
I thought about going with the thick warsher, bolt and nut. But I wasnt going to pull the shafts to get the new buttons in. Now I will. Maybe I should just go the warsher bolts on alla them. 🤷‍♂️
I also got in the stud/girdle/rocker cover gasket kit from Leroy Diesel. Mighty fine items.
I watched the video. Just before he sets down the camera, He mentions an extra set of cork gaskets, that was after He talked about installing glue on the rocker cover.
In My head I was thinking there would be two sets of cork gaskets. I was wrong, only one set. I called Leroy and asked Him about it. Then He explained what I had taken out of context.
This is a mighty fine setup and those girdles do pack some weight. Well made and thought out.