I might be crazy but i ain't dumb
Well i Drove it around the block today:thumbsup: not the easiest thing to do with out the clutch working, im guessing that since i rebuilt the tranny the syncros are tight and it didnt want to glide shift very easily. still cant get the clutch to disengage. i didnt have a grease gun where the truck is at but i think the fact that there is no grease on the pivot ball (i cleaned it all off when cleaning up the bell housing) counld have something to do with it not moving enough. just a wild guess and it needs to be done any way so i will do that tommorow.
iv tried everything i can think of to get the thing bled:mad2:, iv bled it normally, gravity bled it, removed the slave from bellhousing opened bleeder and push cyl in and closed bleeder, borowed a vacume bleeder from a guy i work with but that wont work beacouse the bleeder on the slave isnt a normall style one. i was hoping that driving it a little would help but it didnt really and the only way to get it in gear from a dead stop is to shut if off and restart in gear PITA
Still have to make a TM for the Gm-5 that i put on but im unsure which way is open and which is closed on the vertical wastegate? i took some pics could one of you pleas tell me which one is with the WG closed
iv tried everything i can think of to get the thing bled:mad2:, iv bled it normally, gravity bled it, removed the slave from bellhousing opened bleeder and push cyl in and closed bleeder, borowed a vacume bleeder from a guy i work with but that wont work beacouse the bleeder on the slave isnt a normall style one. i was hoping that driving it a little would help but it didnt really and the only way to get it in gear from a dead stop is to shut if off and restart in gear PITA
Still have to make a TM for the Gm-5 that i put on but im unsure which way is open and which is closed on the vertical wastegate? i took some pics could one of you pleas tell me which one is with the WG closed