New Member
It was the first thing I checked. It's pumpin like old faithful. Gonna take GMTDscan for a test drive tonight. If it works , think I'll do a thread on installing it so no one goes through what I did.I agree with truckie! My 6.5 tow truck would start and run perfect in the morning but after it ran (especially on a hot day) and you shut it off it would crank for about 30 seconds till it started. It would also start fine if you let it sit for about 3 hours.
It ended up being the lift pump under the cab on the drivers side of the frame.
Way to check.... When the problem happens take the fuel filter out and look in the filter housing. Have someone turn the key on and see if fuel is going into tne housing. If not bad pump. IIRC there about $100 from the autoparts store.