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Replacement turbo

I'm waiting .......... where is my turbo, don't be sending me some ole wore out boat anchor candidate, that you done sucked all the boost ability out of :biggrin5:

I promise that there will be a little boost left in it when I get done :smilielol5:.

ALLLRIGHT : I will take it off and ship it to you. Do I need to send it as parts so the better half won't get upset, "you bought SOMETHING ELSE FOR YOUR TRUCK>" Heard that before? :errr:

Tell her you got it "ON SALE" , "SAVED MONEY" :sick: ROFLMAO :biggrinjester:

And it is called previously cared for, not USED, LOL
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I promise that there will be a little boost left in it when I get done :smilielol5:.

ALLLRIGHT : I will take it off and ship it to you. Do I need to send it as parts so the better half won't get upset, "you bought SOMETHING ELSE FOR YOUR TRUCK>" Heard that before? :errr:

Tell her you got it "ON SALE" , "SAVED MONEY" :sick: ROFLMAO :biggrinjester:

And it is called previously cared for, not USED, LOL

I'm glad to that I'm not the only one that gets that! :yikes::shocked:
"you bought SOMETHING ELSE FOR YOUR TRUCK>" Heard that before? :errr:

If only That was my problem. My wife usually says, "You bought another truck/car didn't you?" When will I ever learn?

Does anyone have spec sheets for the GMX turbos?

I'd like to get my Buick Turbo supplier looking into them also to see what he can come up with. I'd actually like to find something that spools a little quicker. When I stomp on it, I get black smoke at first. If I had air to go with that fuel, then my truck would probably be quicker from a start. Just an idea. I still have lots to do before I replace a turbo that has no issues. But if I can pick up a used one from someone upgrading, or maybe use one that I have in the garage, then I may try it.
My wife just shakes her head and sighs, then walks away .

Guess I can't say much when she shops :cornut:

Then has the nerve to ask if the truck is broke, I have to answer no. Then I get, well what are you fixing then?? JEEEZZZ if I could only splain it in words she might understand, guess I need more time to edjumacate her on what constitutes broke and experimental.
well to get around that you need to get her a TDI VW, my wife used to get in my case, "what do you need a turbo for" hers quit a while back, bad VNT actuator, "my turbo isn't working I think, the Bug doesn't go zoom anymore, & mpg is down", now she knows the benefit of turbos,

so to get here approval now; all mods I do to mine now are "mpg enhancements" and will pay for themselves in the long run, never mind the fact it gets me more zoom, but I've created a monster I think because she is wanting reflash, injectors, exhaust mods on her bug as well now
well to get around that you need to get her a TDI VW, my wife used to get in my case, "what do you need a turbo for" hers quit a while back, bad VNT actuator, "my turbo isn't working I think, the Bug doesn't go zoom anymore, & mpg is down", now she knows the benefit of turbos,

so to get here approval now; all mods I do to mine now are "mpg enhancements" and will pay for themselves in the long run, never mind the fact it gets me more zoom, but I've created a monster I think because she is wanting reflash, injectors, exhaust mods on her bug as well now

What's that they say? Oh yeah, "whats good for the goose is good for the gander":lol:
well to get around that you need to get her a TDI VW, my wife used to get in my case, "what do you need a turbo for" hers quit a while back, bad VNT actuator, "my turbo isn't working I think, the Bug doesn't go zoom anymore, & mpg is down", now she knows the benefit of turbos,

so to get here approval now; all mods I do to mine now are "mpg enhancements" and will pay for themselves in the long run, never mind the fact it gets me more zoom, but I've created a monster I think because she is wanting reflash, injectors, exhaust mods on her bug as well now

Yeah, maybe I should just take the criticism, She has got better, just shakes her head now and says "another experiment" or is your truck really broke. :eek:11:

Guess she has me, so predictable am I :cornut: Hate to have to experiment on her vehicle, it is a gasser :puke:.
A woman with a Turbo Buick once told me that "Turbo" is a French word that means "You better be sleeping with a good mechanic."
Looked her over and said --- Hey - I'm a good mechanic ;-)
I think Slim is getting these customized at the manufacturer. The original Mit turbo had to have an exhaust elbow fabricated on it to install it. Slim is trying to get these delivered as a bolt installation with only the oil return line needing to be cut and extended an inch or two with just a simple peace of rubber tubing.

Many Thanks to Slim and TD for spending the dough to work the bugs out.
I think Slim is getting these customized at the manufacturer. The original Mit turbo had to have an exhaust elbow fabricated on it to install it. Slim is trying to get these delivered as a bolt installation with only the oil return line needing to be cut and extended an inch or two with just a simple peace of rubber tubing.

Many Thanks to Slim and TD for spending the dough to work the bugs out.

Bud9899 is right, I am working on a custom turbo, for our trucks, I have made a few mods to the Mitsubishi turbo and am in the process of trying to work out the manufacturing details.

The turbo then still needs to be retrofitted for our trucks. One thing I have learned about dealing overseas is that they are not easy to deal with. If you ask for something you get the minimum unless you specify the exact specifications. Just a cultural thing, that is another stumbling block unless you are familiar with the customs. :toetap05:

Thanks to Turbine Doc: and Hank1948, from the Place. Without there input , Turbine Docs expertise and open mind, and the oil return idea, (he took a chance when others POO POOD the idea), and HAnk1948 for the machine work for the custom mount, and custom exhaust down pipe.It was Hank1948's idea for the fab work.

The turbo is a straight bolt on, I removed and installed the Mitsu and exchanged the Turbos in less than two hours. The turbo also has (semi loud turbine whistle):thumbsup:

With our dollar weakening: the price for the manufacture fluctuates daily, so getting a lock on the price is tough.
wohooo, Slim & TD, that is interesting :sifone:
I was on the way hunting for a GM8, but if I can find a source for this kind of beast + custom exhaust downpipe and instructions for the "how to", gees, I go for it.
Any chance I can be added with the guys to the "I want one!" list ? :ihih: