"Living The 6.5 Dream"
The stress in that area is severe. The broken bolt is still visible in the pix.
The first 1/4 inch approx of the hole has no threads and the Knurled portion of the bolt goes in there.
This setup gives the bolt a very tight fit and assures the best alignment and minimal starter movement.
This sort of break is caused by leaving the tail bracket off the starter. The starter gets to wiggling around and flexes the bolts until they fatigue and then break.
The bolts will break right at the point where the knurl and the threads join. I have seen many broken ones
Another cause can be from an engine that blew a head gasket and hydro locked.
Someone gives the starter a whizzz and BANG the engine comes up hard and the starter falls on the ground.
In many cases one bolt will break and the starter will simply kick out of the ring gear. Some times both bolts break and the starter falls out on the torsion bar "CLUNK"
AND in some cases the corner of the block breaks out like this one did.
Hard to tell exactly what happened but it was for sure related to that broken bolt.
Thats for the great info MGW,I was told the failure on this engine was a snapped engine crank. I have one of the old conecting rods with damage to it from the busted crank. Im going to get that broken stud out and see what it looks like from there or if i could possiobly build a secondary bracket to hold the starter better im sure there is somthin i can do .I just really want to use this block since i bought it with most of the internals built to go in it. And yes i know no one has to tell me its probley going to fail but if i can get a couple years out of it im happy. I just really dont wanna throw $900 into the metal bin...... Will keep you guys up dated, my buddy and i are going to pull the engine out of the truck tonight. I will try get some pics of Chrisk1500's old block and what ever he destroyed.