alternator also died before the job, so maybe there was a low voltage code getting it home? Guage sat around 12V the whole time and still had enough to start. Could that have set some codes that stayed stored? I would have thought that unhooking would have wiped those though.
2 codes were for glow plugs. If the codes return, what is the best course of action?
I assume start hosing down with PB blaster now and plan on all 8? how hard are they to do?
Glow plugs aren't bad to do provided they aren't crusted in. Most just do the bad plugs, but many have found the rest normally die within a year of the 1st one failing.
I do whatever side has a bad plug. All 4. Just did the left bank a few weeks ago. I've never had trouble with the plugs themselves coming out but the end connector studs like to snap off. Don't lose the nut. New replacements for LBZ are 9G now instead of 61G.