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Fuel Pressure Gauge

Stewart Warner 114214

I think I'm going to go with this gauge. Judging how my operating pressure seems to be 4, and the 2 is so clearly a landmark. I should know I need filter service if I see it coming close to or hitting the 2.


LOL, a few months ago when I started this thread I was looking at the high end of the 15psi gauges instead of the bottom end :)

Ordered it off of E-Bay for 79.99.
Summit is good about customer service too. I ordered an electric one and it sucks, they said I can return it and exchange for any other one.

And yeah, looking more for the 5 psi range now, maybe the tighter Walbro spings will get me higher though.
Hey Matt, how did that gauge work out for you? I am thinking of going with an electronic one.