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Custom Decals

Which style is preffered..?

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Yeah I have it here on my list to do. All I really need is the measurements that you want it and about 10 mins time and it will be done
Ok I have ordered more chrome to recut a few of the decals. Some have been sent out and the rest are to follow. I would have ahd enough vinyl for a lot more decals if the ones I cut were delivered thanks USPS
2 will ship monday that I have here and the rest will ship wed. I ran out of chrome due to having to recut all of them thanks to USPS. I will let you know whose ships on monday
Ok folks one more time sorry for USPS. Here we go since I dont have usernames I will list last names, Richmond has not been shipped yet and will ship on Friday when more chrome comes in. LaHaye Enos and Terpstra have shipped and should arrive soon
Ok folks one more time sorry for USPS. Here we go since I dont have usernames I will list last names, Richmond has not been shipped yet and will ship on Friday when more chrome comes in. LaHaye Enos and Terpstra have shipped and should arrive soon

Thanks Rob for keeping in touch, I thought one of you guys or ladies shot down that fat pigeon that's suppose to be flying over here with them...

The quality of the Chrome is the same as the last & will last as long or what...:D and your shipping mine on Friday the 13th....:eek: Sh*t...:eek:
Has anyone received their decal yet? My truck is still in the tranny shop so no big deal right now. I just want to make sure that I am the only one that has not gotten one in yet.

Will smaller sizes be available? I want to put one on my commuter car but from looking at the pics they seem quite large for my lil kia. I would also like to have "GM'CYA!" small in qoutes just under the main decal for the truck and the car. If this is too much to ask I have a local shop that can do this but I rather support the site vendor.
Vincent I'm still waiting on a few Calvin/Obama decals that were suppose to ship out with the last batch of DTR usps replacements last Wednsday. I'd give it another day or two with the holiday monday. If your like me my post office always takes a day or two longer since I live out in the sticks.
I just got off the phone with Rob @ dieseldecals and he said that all the decals have been shipped. The last shipment on the replacements went out on Friday instead of Wednesday and with Valentine and presidents day the mail is running a little behind. He apoligized for any inconvience.
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Also I can do smaller ones and I can add the user names underneath. GMC you have recieved a pm.

Uhhhh...no pm. try GMCYA next time ):h. I just got my truck back yesterday so hopefully I will have the decal tomorrow and can put it on this weekend. If you can do any flavor, I would also like one like this for the commuter.

I'd rather be driving my
Stretch duramax so it is even. About 8X3 overall. I will let you know what size dtr sticker I need for the commuter once I see just how big the truck sticker is. I will test fit it on the car first to get an idea. I may need one for the camper also but it will have to be something other than chrome or white. Blue would be perfect to match the awning. Lemmeknow......
Still nothing here Rob, the decals will hopefully come tomorrow. I believe my next order with you I will spring for UPS and track the package. I don't care to much for USPS tracking system.
Yeah I hear ya there, I have a meeting with UPS on thursday so hopefully Friday all my shipping problems will go away. Seems like USPS is great with letters but scuks with packages.
Rob I realize it's not your fault the decals are taking a long time to get to us or lost, it's all that fine service we are getting from the USPS. A failing government agency that when loses 2.8 billion a year congress rewards the Postmaster General with a $79,000 raise and a $186,000 bonus. This is the same government that wants to take over the banking system and health care!!!! Scary isn't it?
Got the sticker on yesterday. I think they look great! you really can't miss this one! I screwed up the D a little but oh well, maybe the sun will help stretch it out this summer. I tried fixing it but the little wrinkle didn't want to come out.

Here's a pic...sorry for the bad lighting-
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