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Bring it on! Att vs. Hx35

It may be a generational thing. My nephew gets praised when he doesn't pick his nose for a half hour. He thinks he's the best thing since the outhouse.
You guys and your ATT! all of you keep talkin hella shit about everything els and claming that the ATT was made by GOD!!!

well lets see some dino numbers and or some flow charts on the ATT!!!

bring it on!!

i mean i ran a hx 35 on my 2.2l honda! why wouldnt it work on my 6.5 gm!


When I am jumping up and down trying to break the lug nut loose on a flat tire bolted on my 2500 I can't help but think that it takes more torque than a 2.2L Honda makes. :rof:
so i have decided to do an apples to apples test! just picked up a 95 6.5 burb 45 min ago and have inlisted one of ower office girls to do the bulk of the work! told her i would give her a $1/hr bump in pay if she did it without bitching or quiting! LOL!!

we are putting in a junk yard long block in seeing as the burb has a blown motor! gett it running and then she will take over!

with minnamal help from me or any of the guys in the shop she will install a hx35, ATA intercooler and whatever els might be needed to keep it reliable!!

keep in mind she is 5'0" and about 100lbs! and vary girly! gets her nails done every week and wears heals to work every day!

we went to sears and picked her up a little tool box and a basic seat of tools (the box is pink! LOL! she picked it out!)along with some work boots and clothes!

we will keep close track of dollers spent, houers, and then dino it along along with all wether info and take plenty of pics along the way!

in the end it will be her company car! probably paint it pink for her! she

hows that for a joe every guy/girl test??? not a fight!! but a i want to know what a hx35 will do on a 6.5 and lots of people say its a hard swap! so we will see how hard it is!!


and ok so i didnt do so well in in school other than math and shop! and this is not a make fun of Pete's spelling thread!!! i will start a nother thread for that!!!! so KMA!!! as for the nice people hear thanks!! thanks to the guys who have welcomed me and welcomed the point of my question and chalenge!!

Now that youre being constructive it sounds like a great experiment. DZZ71 just installed an HX35 on his, he even managed to squeeze a 4" downpipe on it. And no one exactly said it was hard, its just not a near bolt on kit. Many people wont start a project that doesnt come with all the parts and instructions.

There have been plenty of others to install an HX35 and be happy. I recall someone on here that has been running 20psi boost with his HX35 for about 2 years now.
Just a word of advice and I'm not trying to beat up on you:

Most of the crowd here is in the 40 years of age range.

Manners, organized thoughts and politeness go a long way.

Texting shorthand, brashness and statements like "KMA" will probably be met with the deafening sound of................................


Guys here just don't respond to that kind of thing. Take a little time to type out your thoughts in an organized, polite and reasonably readable manner and you'll get lots of information out of this crowd.

Keep in mind the 6.5 has some very real limitations compared to modern diesel designs. If you expect to get 5,6 or 700 hp out of it, you're in for either some real disappointment or some serious cash outlay. Most guys here modify their trucks for towing or the challenge of seeing what they can get out of it, not outright speed.

That being said, nothing wrong with going down "the road less traveled" either!

We we aint always that politically correct around these parts either! Just try disagreeing with one of the mobs of members.

I would tell you to KMA too if you poked fun of my forum spelling. I believe GW you yourself have made comments about nonconstructive posts in your own threads.
Is this guy for real ????

I think I'm getting old, because I think he's drinking to many red bulls or something.

A wise man once said ; better the world think you're a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Please X2 on above. PS. I can relate, I was kind of a spaz when In my teens and twentys
ok well now that we have that out of the way! YES MY SPELLING and grammer SUCK! SORRY!! i will try harder!!!

but on to the point at hand!!!

the crew cab dually that started the this hole thing is the shop tow rig!!! we have plenty of go fast cars and trucks hear, some lifted trucks and even some tube buggys! this is a tow rig! ower old tow rig hade a 454 and 5-8 mpg to Moab UT and back 2 times a year was not cutting it!! so we picked up a 1995 chevy crew cab dualy!

"F" vin if it matters to any one!

it worked well for a few months then BOOM!! i will post pics of the carnage on the inside of the motor as soon as i take it apart!

so now i am lookin for the best posable way to rebild the motor for TOWING with a little extra for fun!!

in the end it needs to tow really well and look good doin it! 22's, a little drop, gmc grill, cowl hood, roll pan and paint should take care of the looks! come out lookin (IMO) way better than the dodge tow rig one of my competitors is uesing!

so whats is the best way to do all this!! so far i have brand new block! brand new heads,valves rockers and so on! scat crank! orderd rods and pistons! but where to go from there???

Pete you claim to be member of several forums, you should know the drill of what happens when a newbie to a site with total disregard of the membership already here , showing up & challenging the community without you even knowing it's makeup.

Now imagine us & you a new guy we have never seen before throwing out a challenge as if what you propose has never been done, to people with many years of 6.5 experience, collectively we have centuries of experience here with the 6.5 and all things pertaining to vehicles.

Had you come on-board asking why all the buzz over the ATT vs the HX turbo you would have gotten a wholly different experience, but to with a 1st post as challenge over a that was turbo years in the making & lots of R&D into it to make it a user friendly setup is not a way to break the ice at any site. Cussing is not conducive to folks wanting to help out either

As for the HX-35, it's been done, the HX-35 works, it isn't as intuitive of an install as the ATT is, I don't recall anyone running it at 20+ psi which it is capable of doing without lowering CR, the ATT will get you to 100 mph with just 10 psi boost, so same net gain as the HX without stressing engine any more than necessary.

As for your co-worker doing a comparative install, take a new HX-35 out of a box as delivered (or a used one that looks exactly how a new one would arrive) you don't get to assist other than a phone call or posting questions on a web site like here, and have her install it on the 6.5, vs . an ATT as delivered and see which one is more plug and play ready to go, stop watch for both begins once the old GM turbo is off.

I've done a few now, so my time is not a fair comparison but 1-2 hrs is avg time for me to remove/install & be road ready in 3 hrs after buttoning everything up, if I was in a race against the clock I could do it in less barring complications getting the old turbo off, but I've also been wrenching the 6.5 since 2000, and machinery in general since maybe 1966 with my 1st bicycle "overhauls" :D
Do as Kenny suggests find a 6.2 running takeout, if you want to turbo it, put on 6.5 heads and the turbo/(s) of your choice, Bill Heath if you'll have a look in our performance section is world record speed holder for the 6.5 158 mph @ Bonneville.
sorry may bad for coming across as an ass!! it was a frendly idea in my head!! i have serched and serched and found nothing telling me what i wanted to know!! well at least as far as ATT vs HX35! and i do really want to know!!!

the dully will get built and who knows what it will end up with as for a turbo!

the new burb will be all stock mostly and have HX35 installed by my employee! and yes there will be now help from the guys in the shop other than a bit of side line banter, some instruction and heavy lifting! seeing that she is so small! and then after the turbo we orderd a diy ATA intercooler setup off ebay and she will install that to!

end result it will produce some rather amusing pics hopfully and a good truck or 2!

and i will post reall dyno numbers as soon as each truck is done!! grannted it might be a bit seeing as i have to do reall work first and trucks second! LOL

and at the same time if some one could get some dyno numbers on a ATT and list all info as the wether and temp and so on along with mods other than ATT listed that would be awsome!!!!

Going to lengths about how tiny and frilly the girl is I have my doubts about this being legit
100% legitimate!! I start taking pics and posting tomorrow!! if i hade a pic of sead employee i would post! so i will keep you all up to date on progress!

Looking forward to the pics. If you already have a crack free block and a Scat Crank youre on your way to doing fine. Ceramic coatings on the pistons and combustion chamber of the head are a good idea and then having it all balanced would be ideal. There are differences in blocks, starting in 97 they started a 506 block with oil piston squirters, which is not necessarily a good thing, but if you get one then need a high output oil pump vs what was in yours. If you dont already have all these parts then dieseldepot sell entire long blocks with any customizations you want. I would keep compression ratio at least 20:1.