Big T
Well-Known Member
I think if I was going to go to a pick and pack, I would take along one of my many cardboard creepers to lay on.
I would be too lazy to remove a hood to lay on.
Heck, My truck too could use a hood. The one on it is sort of waverly, like someone has pushed, pulled and beat it straight then did a bondo job to cover the rough.
I used an upholstery cover to lay on and the wheels to sit on. Had to go back home to retrieve 36mm socket to remove axle nuts. Thought I could separate ball joint from the bottom of the knuckle, but it hits the CV hub when it separates. Also forgot about the rear driver’s side LCA bolt which is impinged by the Differential. Had to undo the differential mounts and pry it out of the way. It was a couple hours of work, but I won.