Smoke on the water
Or make a few NON OEM modifications......VERY Glad you found and eliminated your issue, you must feel like you won the lottery.....Gotta love when a plan comes together!
Enjoy Rooski.....If your not addicted yet, 1 or 2 more Mods should do the trick....You'll be a full blown Junkie in no time!:thumbsup::hihi::agreed:
It's all just a matter of the cash to do it up right ! Now (thanks again to evryone here) I have a good base to work from.
First impressions are not always the best to end up with; i.e. keeping factory
May as well take the advice of all who have previously experienced the shortfalls and oem limiters. The wheel has already been reinvented and it appears to be for a very good reason ! :agreed:
Love the truck and the power. It seems to be great on fuel so far as well pulling 20+ with normal driving (he he). Normal being A to B with some playtime in between !
Haven't pulled my trailer yet so I am eager to get a load on it and see what it'll do.
Just want to safety it up a bit. A small bit of front end work and rear brakes have to be done and it should be back in top shape.