I'm working on a idea different than using the o-ring at the top where their is still threads..
My idea is to use a o-ring between the block & head where their are no threads on the stud and will be squeezed between the block & head for a total seal... I haven't decided weather to have a o-ring grove in the block & head and the gasket would be between them or one o-ring... I'm leaning towards 2 o-rings for now...
The o-ring at the top doesn't seem like a good seal when it's sitting on threads...
My idea is to use a o-ring between the block & head where their are no threads on the stud and will be squeezed between the block & head for a total seal... I haven't decided weather to have a o-ring grove in the block & head and the gasket would be between them or one o-ring... I'm leaning towards 2 o-rings for now...
The o-ring at the top doesn't seem like a good seal when it's sitting on threads...