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Poisen Ivy

When I get poison Ivy it is really bad:cryin:..... So quite a few years ago I found this product called Zanfel. At the time you could only order it online, but just the other day I saw it at Walgreens. This stuff is amazing, it kills the itch in minutes & within 24hrs the ivy sore is healing. This is the only method that will remove the Urusha oil that is on the Poison Ivy leaf! At the time I paid $60 for a small container at I would have paid hundreds for relief.
Hurry and go get some!

For those of you that say your immune to it, you better bite your tongue's the common concenus is that we are all born with immunity to it, but prolonged exposure changes that, I buy that theory when I was a kid I just to run through the woods roll around everywhere, and Im sure most of you did to, now I look at the stuff I get it.

Last summer for the first time, once it cleared up I got it right back, I tried alot of different things, rubbing alchol worked good, I preferred acetone though, Im sure it's not good for you at all but it worked pretty dang good. I'd scratch them all up and pour some acetone on a rag and wipe it on my arms, burned to bad the first few times then I hardly felt anything at all after that. And I never got left with scars. Another thing I heard works really good, but I've yet to try it was buy a bar of LYE soap I guess, scratch till you've broken every blister and wash exposed skin with the soap.
The last time I had it I used medicine and it didnt do a damn thing. I went on vacation and went swimming in the pool. It cleared up in 2 days! I think the chlorine helped!

Funny story.... I was in high school and before class started my buddy came into class and sat down at his desk. A few seconds later he started itching him self like crazy in a "unusual" place. I looked at him and asked if he was ok. He sighed looked at me and said. Did you ever do yard work then before you take a shower rub one off??! :smilielol5:
Yeah that's what it was. I don't know why I was thinking calydryl, isn't that some kind of feminine med?

Caladryl is the "newest and greatest" compared to Calamine. Caladryl contains diphenhydraminehydrachloride, the main antihistimine in Bendaryl. It helps fight the itching that goes with poison ivy, chicken pox, etc.
When I get poison Ivy it is really bad:cryin:..... So quite a few years ago I found this product called Zanfel. At the time you could only order it online, but just the other day I saw it at Walgreens. This stuff is amazing, it kills the itch in minutes & within 24hrs the ivy sore is healing. This is the only method that will remove the Urusha oil that is on the Poison Ivy leaf! At the time I paid $60 for a small container at I would have paid hundreds for relief.
Hurry and go get some!


I will pick some up today, thanks.
Caladryl is the "newest and greatest" compared to Calamine. Caladryl contains diphenhydraminehydrachloride, the main antihistimine in Bendaryl. It helps fight the itching that goes with poison ivy, chicken pox, etc.

That there is the biggest word I ever did see!:queasy:
Wash with pinetar soap and try to find Poison Ivy and Oak mix from homeopathic type dr. Had a real bad case 2 years ago this stuff just a few drops under the tongue 30 mins before meal. They say if you use up all 2 oz you may never have his again.
Caladryl is the "newest and greatest" compared to Calamine. Caladryl contains diphenhydraminehydrachloride, the main antihistimine in Bendaryl. It helps fight the itching that goes with poison ivy, chicken pox, etc.
I think I was thinking of that because that's what I bought for my daughters bug bites in Georgia. I got it, and before she used it she said it doesn't itch anymore.
On another note, I was just going around with the surveyer at our place up north and there is the hugest patch of poison ivy I have ever seen. A lot of them are so big they are trees.
I get it very bad, when i get it. I have tried almost everything out there and for me Iverest (Walgreens) seemed to work real good. But a couple summers ago i was doing brakes on a dump truck and and had poison ivy completely covering my arms, when i accidently sprayed some brake clean on part of my arm. Wow.....that almost dried it out instantly! Stung a bit too! I would not do this on purpose , im sure its not good for you.
im on prednisone pills for it right now, worst ive ever had it. got it on my arms and legs but my back is the worst part, all up one side and nasty looking. i too never used to get it till about 5 or 6 years ago and i pretty much lived in the woods when i was a kid. i used benedryl gel and ivarest to calm the itching down but after a week it wasnt getting any better so i went to the doc. the pills worked fast but being that they are a steroid they are really messing with me. they make me nuts! ive been so agitated and irratable, cant sit still or concentrate, intense hunger at times. ive got about a week left on them and i cant wait to be done taking them cause the side effects suck!!
When I get poison Ivy it is really bad:cryin:..... So quite a few years ago I found this product called Zanfel. At the time you could only order it online, but just the other day I saw it at Walgreens. This stuff is amazing, it kills the itch in minutes & within 24hrs the ivy sore is healing. This is the only method that will remove the Urusha oil that is on the Poison Ivy leaf! At the time I paid $60 for a small container at I would have paid hundreds for relief.
Hurry and go get some!


Damn, this stuff is awesome. I picked it up from Wally world and one treatment later I feel human again, no itching and the stuff quit spreading. $35 was money well spent. Thanks for the info, I owe you one.
guys remember that what is in the spots is not the poison. the only thing that couses the rash os the oil. the puss is merely puss. just like a zit. popping them doesn't couse more zits if it gets on your body. the plant and its oils are what cause the rash and touching anything that may have the oil on it will keep causing the rash to spread or just no go away. you have to get a product called technu. it is a soap designed to clean you of the oils. get some and use it everytime you think you may have been near it. also clean you boots/shoes, gloves, hats, ect you may have had on. just a touch of the oil will bring the rash back depending on how sensitive you are. good luck. fyi i use bleach once i do have it, or just scratch the b-jesus out of it.
Damn, this stuff is awesome. I picked it up from Wally world and one treatment later I feel human again, no itching and the stuff quit spreading. $35 was money well spent. Thanks for the info, I owe you one.

Your welcome! That stuff should be advertised better so the masses no that relief is out there. I'm glad the price came down too!
guys remember that what is in the spots is not the poison. the only thing that couses the rash os the oil. the puss is merely puss. just like a zit. popping them doesn't couse more zits if it gets on your body. the plant and its oils are what cause the rash and touching anything that may have the oil on it will keep causing the rash to spread or just no go away. you have to get a product called technu. it is a soap designed to clean you of the oils. get some and use it everytime you think you may have been near it. also clean you boots/shoes, gloves, hats, ect you may have had on. just a touch of the oil will bring the rash back depending on how sensitive you are. good luck. fyi i use bleach once i do have it, or just scratch the b-jesus out of it.

exactly, its an oil, old farmers used turpentine, linseed oil or gas to get oils out of skin. I use technu and a scrub pad, it leaves skin red, but better than 4 weeks of hell.
I use Technu and Ivyrest:thumbsup: and it does the job for me! As a Landscaper one of the first plants I learned to identify was poison Ivy along with it's cousins Poison sumac and Poison Oak! If you know what to look for it is easier to avoid it!:D