New Member
Figured I'd ask over here as well. I bought a code reader, and it doesn't power up on my truck. I hooked it up to another truck, and it powers on. My cig lighter is kaput, but the aux power port on the same circuit is working so no blown fuse under the dash. I did a quick look at the wires on the back of the obd ii connector. They looked like they were fine. Gave em a quick jiggle, and nada. I looked at the pins in the front, and they are all even with the front of the connector. So I'm looking for some ideas on what else it could be. I hope to get up early enough on my 1 day off this weekend to use the daylight to help me troubleshoot. If I can find my test light could someone tell me what pin is the power so I can test to make sure I'm getting juice to the pin? I just want to be able to clear my CEL or MIL or SES or what ever you wanna call it. I do wonder if it tells me my injectors are starting to go bad if I park my truck at the bombing range would insurance cover it??? 4k over special bulleting for injectors on LB7