Alrighty. Mirror wiring is kinda complicated IMO, as the motors move relative to the direction of current: that is, the switch changes ground and power depending on direction.
Here are my mirrors. You'll have to ignore the additional wire colors since I changed connectors and added signal into them, so I'll just write down the factory to mirror colors.
Factory - Mirror
Red - White/Silver
Lt. Green - Green/White
Lt. Blue - Blue/White
Red - White/Yellow
Factory - Mirror
Purple/White - Green
Red - White/Silver
Gray- Lt. Blue/Silver
Red - Yellow/White
System diagram from my 99.
Here are my mirrors. You'll have to ignore the additional wire colors since I changed connectors and added signal into them, so I'll just write down the factory to mirror colors.
Factory - Mirror
Red - White/Silver
Lt. Green - Green/White
Lt. Blue - Blue/White
Red - White/Yellow
Factory - Mirror
Purple/White - Green
Red - White/Silver
Gray- Lt. Blue/Silver
Red - Yellow/White
System diagram from my 99.