Leroy, they look good and are very bright. You just have to remember that you are marketing them to a bunch of cheap b*st*rds that run old vehicles.
So don't take it personal.![]()
Hi Leo, I was thinking simularly
When you see the difference then it is like the stock lights never did work.Like with many things with 6.5 owners, demand is born from necessity. The marketing stragety would be to convince everyone their current lights dont really work at all
I'd trade for a chip!
Don't need a chip. Im selling the 94 in the classifieds. What else you got?
My concern is how to get them to attach in the currentl location as I have the aftermarket units now that aren't 315X but more like a larger version of the 194 bulb sockets for the front side markers. Do the bulbs come out of the aluminum or Aluminium (sic) adapter that appears to twist lock into place on the OEM 315X fittings? meaning, in adapting the existing lenses, will I have to allow for the ability to pull the aluminum adaptor off or simply twist to remove the harness and bulb like I do know (as shown in my earlier post). If the bulbs do pull through the aluminium adapters, then it would seem that all I have to do is drill out the existing hole from .6" dia. where it is now (effectively destroying the ability to go back to the old bulbs) to .75" and figure a means of securing the aluminum adaptors of the HID bulbs to the plastic. Some sort of epoxy I guess.
OK I broke out my set of calipers too. For your lights I believe I could make them work, but it is close.
Ill make you this offer: if you still have your old taillights, put them back in for a couple days. Send me your LEDs and I will try to fit my kit on it. I will not permently modify your lens in any way, it will be completly reversible. I will even pay the shipping both ways.