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Heavy Duty Serpentine Belt For Duramax

Jeff the 2001 trucks only came with 105 and 130 amp alternators...your RPO code on the glove box should be k68 for 105 amp alternator.

supposedly the snow plow prep pkg changed it over to 130amp

some have reported that their sticker says 130 amp option...

but if your glove box rpo code is k68 it is a 105 amp...

Yep, you're right Paul. K68. So, I have a 105 amp alternator, now to look for the belt. I've got time only 50K miles on this one. My tentioner went bad at aroun 12k and they replaced belt and tensioner under warranty
Finally ordered the HD belt from the link Jeff supplied. $36 plus about $11.50 ship.
I stopped at Carquest as Fermin suggested and he said they'd have to order it for $66 plus $12 ship and tax on top. Made the decision a bit easier...
Was going to do the belt today. Took the upper shroud off, pulled the airbox then proceeded to decide there was no freakin way for one person to get it lined up on the balancer without getting up and down half a dozen times. Too old for that... I'll wait until I have some help from the bottom.
Then again, how the heck can you hope to get the belt off and on with the inner shroud in place.:???: That doesn't look like any fun at all... I predict small cuts and blood.:nonod:
Shroud1.jpg Shroud2.jpg Shroud.jpg
Guide to aid in installing a serpentine belt


Not to insult intelligence or anything, just posting this as an aid. I got it from the net. It seemed pretty accurate.


  • How to Change a Serpentine Belt on a Duramax.doc
    41 KB · Views: 21
Mike, your right it is tight in there. You will come very close to bleeding out from the cuts you will receive.....:hihi:

You basically need to get the new belt on and look from the top and the bottom and see if your fully on the pulleys before you start the truck.

The balancer pulley is the hardest when your on top looking down. You could always try to hold it to the pulley with some tape so you can get back on top to work the tension
YEE HA! Got it!

Son and I got it done today. THAT was a royal PITA. That is a shop only change out. I would not attempt that on the side of the road unless there was absolutely no alternative.

The instructions you posted Jeff...? Not a chance.
They didn't bother to say that you have to pull the airbox, upper shroud, loosen 1/2 of the inner shroud/guard thing, and several other steps that have to be done. I saw no reason to disconnect the negative cable. Maybe that's for an LB7 or even an LLY but they missed the boat on an LBZ...
Anyhow, glad it's done.
Is an LBZ much different than an LB7? I didn't remove anything when I changed mine and the only tool I used was the ratchet to pull the idler back. Not the easiest belt to change but could have been worse.
It is a ROYAL pain in the ass ! Well it is if you actually do it, I had low stress as I watched a pro work his magic! :hihi:
Is an LBZ much different than an LB7? I didn't remove anything when I changed mine and the only tool I used was the ratchet to pull the idler back. Not the easiest belt to change but could have been worse.
Must be way different...

It is a ROYAL pain in the ass ! Well it is if you actually do it, I had low stress as I watched a pro work his magic! :hihi:
John you're such a show-off!:hihi:
the hardest part for me was reading the faded belt routing picture on the fan shroud...

of course it's even harder to figure out if I had to make a change right now cause I have an 04' motor in it which the belt runs differently...so I keep a picture of my friends 04's sticker in my cell phone in case I need to change it when on the road...
I don't quite understand why a belt change is that much harder between the different model years. There should not be much difference at all. Maybe we can check with Stacks04 on this, or anyone else that has some insight.
There is no belt routing sticker under the hood (a first for me:???:). It's in the Duramax supplement manual. I needed to consult it after a bit of head scratching.:eek:

Look again at the pics I put in post 26. The biggest problem is the inner shroud/diffuser/whateverthef**k plastic thingy. That gets in the way AFTER you pull the intake hose, air box, and upper shroud. Then you have to remove the top bolt on it and loosen the one on the driver side down low. Nearly impossible to explain. I'm sure I could do the job in 15-20 mins today or next week but 2 yrs from now?:nonod:
I thought about cutting that thing off but I have a sneaking suspicion that it has something to do with the LLY overheating fix and directing air flow/altering velocity.