Being a lake bum in Texas
The ALLISON stand alone trans controller is called the factory ALLISON TCM. NOBODY out there has been able to make an aftermarket controller RELIABLY shift an ALLISON AND maintain adaptive shifts which is needed for a clutch to clutch transmission. What everybody is selling as a stand alone is a factory ALLISON TCM with a gateway that converts the signals into GM code and feeds that to the TCM. Or you run a stock GM tune but leave the GM LAN disconnected, in that even the TCM will default back to the hard wired TPS input and shift that way. There is a couple of different gateway's out there, but I won't go into that right now. As to the 5 to 6 speed conversion, there is only 2 out there, Suncoast's and calibrated, all the other's are either rebadged SUNCOAST or a hacked copy.
LAN acronym translation? The rest I know that one I'm not familiar with yet haha. There's 4 things it translates to not GM/Allison related that I know.
So in order to effectively run an Allison behind a mechanical injected engine all that would be needed is to wire in a TPS, VSS from the tcase, and a stock TCM from a donor truck? Would it still lock up the torque converter clutch and provide engine braking, or does it require more inputs?