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ATF in fuel tank ?

Yes, the cheaper the better though since you using more in the truck.

Will it be compatible with Power Service Cetane Boost or Diesel Kleen? I run Cetane in the winter every fill up and in the summer alternate between Cetane and Kleen! IP was replaced two years ago rebuilt by Diesel Injection in Cincinnati,OH. and runs good so I don't want to ruin it!
I dont know if it matters if you mix ATF and 2-storke and I havent, so I dont know. Some people have expressed disinterest in ATF, because it may have new cleaners/detergents, but so does your other fuel additives for cleaning deposits. Those detergent may not burn as well and might leave deposits. Plus ATF costs more. So although I have done it and thought it worked great, others will not run ATF, some for fear of the red fuel for offroad farm equipment.
I been dumping in additives the stuff in the white bottle and the grey bottle about every other tank. . .

I'm just wondering if the AFT/2stroke might not do anything for me as i have been treating my fuel with cleaners and antigels. . .

Well, 2-storke is only to add lubricity, and is needed all the time. The cleaners and cetane boost is not required, but lubrication is a necessity for reliable IP operation.
So then the AFT isn't needed but the oil is still highly recommended as a preventitive maintiance measure ?

Yeah, not so much preventitive maintenance as simply required if using ULSD. Our pumps were designed assuming a level of lubricity from sulfer, and when they remove it we have to put lubricity back in.

Not necessary if using LSD, or just regular full sulfer diesel.
OMFG ! ok i mixed the Dino ATF with AMSOIL HP injector oil, i put a quart of each one into my full tank of. . .then just drove it as i would normally well after i burnt a 1/4 of t ank truck seemed to be rolling easier i was like well it prolly just cause it warmer out. . .

So i was sitting at stop light and i was sorta racing a friend to a bar. . .anywho when the turned green i desided to let old 6.5 have it hit it down to half throttle then rolled the throttle up to wide open Holy crap ! ! ! that went 0-90mph :eek: So fast i had to look around and make sure i was still driving the 6.5 :D . . . normally it was peppy form 0-20mph then it would just Dog right out. . .:confused: now its flying :thumbsup:

The performance increase was insane. . .
Good tip very nice :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I can't wait till i swap them 4.10s for 4.56s chip exhaust and see how that dose. . .i got them tall 7.50-16 tires so the 4.56's will work out well. . .

Well i can't wait till the gears are swapped out them 4.10's seem to do ok but you really tell its just not enough gear for the tires.

I was just thinking of it wasn't sure if it would do anything they just recommended it for my ATV's fuel i figured i would ask. . .

I have been mixing HP injector oil with generic ATF half quart of each seems to be doing well. . .

Is the ATF a continually added item ?
Should Just be adding it every once and a while ?

Whats best 50/50 2 stroke n AFT ?
50/50 2 stroke n MMO ?

I know the 2S is a forever thing.

but should i alternate MMO n AFT ? Run 1 or the other ? Mixture of all 3 ?

Sorry for all the pesky questions but it in my nature to run a truck tills its done not replace it when the body styles change.
So if this thing is really a 250k mile truck i got long ways to go. . .

I personally wouldnt use ATF and 2-stroke together, maybe alternate them.

And add any other additive cetane boost/solvent with each of those. So

MMO and 2-stroke

HP injector oil is 2-stroke/cycle oil so you got that covered. It is good to use, since youre a dealer, but for a normal guy regular 2-stroke is better value, as the HP injector oil is mixed to give best direct injection performance, and the 6.5 is indirect injection.

And keep the regular ratio to fuel on those as if you were only using one of them, because they serve 2 different purposes.
I personally wouldnt use ATF and 2-stroke together, maybe alternate them.

And add any other additive cetane boost/solvent with each of those. So

MMO and 2-stroke

HP injector oil is 2-stroke/cycle oil so you got that covered. It is good to use, since youre a dealer, but for a normal guy regular 2-stroke is better value, as the HP injector oil is mixed to give best direct injection performance, and the 6.5 is indirect injection.

And keep the regular ratio to fuel on those as if you were only using one of them, because they serve 2 different purposes.

Ok so 1 tank HP/MMO next tank MMO/AFT then back to MMO/HP ?

Now you said the HP is for direct injection the 6.5 is indirect injection dose that mean i should be using a different 2stroke/cycle oil ?

Ok, i'm stumped, what is MMO?
Like buddy said. It also means crap! I bought a can years ago and tried it out as a lubricant here and there around the farm. Gummed up everything I put it on. The mystery is how they can convince anybody to buy it! At least a 2nd time...
I have been running it in the fuel of my ATV for 1120miles and haven't had an issue with it.
I never tried to use it as a general purpose lube before. . .I tend to use things like Z-4, WD-40 or JB-80 for such things. . .

Whatever MMO does, it doesnt add lubrication to diesel fuel. Its seems to be fairly successful in gassers though, which dont require lubrication. I dont know if it does anything, just not counting on it as a lubricant.
ive put two quarts of atf in mine... 6.5L are not like cummins or powerstrokes it does quite down the ip it might clean the injectors but i would rather just buy some injector cleaner to make sure u know what you are getting