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Texhoma Ok
:hello:Good evening to all. I cant find a thread on fuel additives, i have heard of some running 2 cycle oil -- is this because its cheaper, works better or improves economy? im sure theres threads about it maybe someone can point it out to me thanks.
Improves lubriscosity or whatever, it lubricates the Injection Pump. Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel is low on lubricants removed in the "Ultra" process. I think Buddy posted a link to a study that showed how pitiful some additives are. IIRC, Bio Diesel was best, Lucas fuel additives...not so much. 2 Stroke is up there near the top which is why it is recommended. FWIW, I use a 1/2 oz per gal. Others will recommend more.

I pick it up by the gallon from WalMart for around $10 but the last purchase was a while ago so it has probably gone up with the price of everything made from dead dino's.
thanks, i imagine u might have to use somthing else in cold climates during the winter? the 2 cycle oil is sure cheaper than a lot of other additives
ive been useing lucas, power service, or anything else i see close when i need some. It seems that 2 cycle oil would work good and is a lot cheaper to.
Thanks Buddy. With apologies to Dura-Ration who posted the study on the 'weekly poll' Buddy linked to which was well over two years ago. Time flies when you're having fun.
I used to run a minimum of a qt of ATF per tank. I think you could run 10 gallons per tank no problem on DB2.
Now I use 2 stroke.
I have used ATF with success several months in a row or the 2-stroke oil. When I find the ND SAE30 cheap at Wal-Mart I pick up some of that, but it ends up costing a little more because I use twice as much as I would 2-stroke. That is using the cheap Wal-Mart 2-stroke by the gallon, not the $5 per quart stuff meant for dirt bikes and jet skis. If there was Biodiesel around I would use that in a 5% concentration, B5 fuel would be ideal, but its already saturated with lubrication in even a 2% biodiesel concentration. None of the stations around me use bio in their fuel, or sell any concentration of it.
I usually run half a bottle of power service that has been topped off by the cheap Wal-mart 2 stroke oil that I purchase a gallon at a time. I add this every time I top off the tank which is usually around 20 - 23 gallons of Diesel.
I've worked in refineries now for the last 30yrs. The learning experiences when the 15ppm ULSD came out have long passed IMO & IME.

All the ULSD get a lubricity additive blended into it at the terminals due to the pipe lines don't want it added until then. I think you all are wasting money...the fuel is expensive enough but WTFDIK?
But that testing was done just a few years ago, years after ULSD was introduced, and it shows that whatever is (or was) in baseline fuel out of the pump does not have enough lubrication. And there is some proof from the continued experience that the engine, or IP, quiets down and runs smoother with the added 2-stroke oil in the fuel.

I am assuming that ULSD lubricity additive may be adequate for newer IPs, but ours were/are designed and built with a greater lubrication assumption. And only recently Stanadyne introduced hardened and coated internal components to the DS4 IPs to make them more ULSD tolerant, and more reliable in general.
Don't know if it was overkill then, but I did the trans fluid thing before the change to ulsd for years.
Also, just common since but you want to add any additives first then top off with diesel. Otherwise some additives could just float ontop of the diesel (this is what I was told but after splashing around it has to mix in) Anyway just to be safe I do it that way.
I do know if making bio you should add the meth/lye mix through a pump and not just pour it ontop of the oil. It will not mix in the short process time.
In a truck fuel tank additives have weeks sometimes to sit there and mix.
:hello:Good evening to all. I cant find a thread on fuel additives, i have heard of some running 2 cycle oil -- is this because its cheaper, works better or improves economy? im sure theres threads about it maybe someone can point it out to me thanks.

All of those questions can be found in this section. The Fuels and Bio Fuels Section of the Forum! :thumbsup: Feel free to venture out into the forum. :rof:
All I can tell ya is that my higher mileage IP is quieter with either W2 two stroke oil or ND 30W.

All I add 30W for is to make the world a happier place for the IP, not to aid burning or cetane ratings.......
I've heard that industrial/commercial Bio has little lube characteristics, but home brew does.