Well-Known Member
I rebuild the 5 speed on my brothers 2002,had same problem as you,but his was stuck in first.You were. IN great detail..
Well, I just got home from a 400 Mile trip. The transmission is acting up in the Dodge won't shift into 1st randomly, so ya'll can gloat. I'm actually glad since I bought it knowing it would need one sooner or later cause Dodge trannys stock suck and it still has a 60 day. It goes back in Wed , although I'm sure they will try to doctor it or etc. I'm taking it to 2 different tranny shops tommorow and getting 2 written estimates on what's wrong with it in case the dealer tries to play fck stick. I gotta unload the camper but i will do a detailed un biased comparison later. Don't fear just yet. Tahoe's been on ebay since Wed and no bites so I may own it a bit longer. Have abite on the pickup. Kinda weird. Thought it would be the other way around.
Bottom line like I said before I didn't buy it cause I had something against 6.5s. On the contrary when I do my write up later I think you guys will be impressed at the comparison. It just boiled down to I wanted something newer with much lower mileage and in a 6.5 world that wasn't to likely. Like Tookie said, for the time being the Dodge seems to meet my needs more but I'll do a detialed later. Been away for 4 days and jonesin' for some typin.
Got the 3 yr old running around sayin "Dodge Makes it, Cummins Shakes it.."
BTW Notice alot of Northern Boys at the campground in Lake George. I guess it's close to some of you guys.
parts where hard to get ,as the tranny is discontinued,but i managed to find some. this was 4 yrs ago allready.
If you wanna learn to :cuss:,try rebuilding it yourself