I never met a project I didn’t like
Not exactly the night I was hoping for but not bad overall I guess. First I hooked up the fuel lines to the FFM. Next I decided to heed FellowTraveler's warning and remove the ball valve. I could have just left it open and been fine, but it seems I always need ball valves for projects so I didn't see a reason to keep one tied up where it's not being used. I also wasn't real pleased with the routing of the hose - it was kinda close to the downpipe and I had it tied up, so not the nicest routing. I decided to make an elbow at the heater core to kick the hose up right away. You can get plastic elbows at the parts store, but I wasn't real keen on plastic being down there so I used two 3/4" heater hose nipples and a 1/2" pipe elbow. Unfortunately while removing the hose I loosened the pipe in the core so that's a leak ready to happen . I guess the bright side is that I thought the core was starting to get kind of plugged again from the craptastic Dexcool so this will take care of that. It was also a Spectre core from Autozone and when I put it in last year I didn't like the way it fit, so tomorrow I'm going to pick one up from NAPA. So once I was stuck with the cooling system I decided to move on to battery cables. I got that about half way done before I ran out of heat shrink tube. The stuff I bought earlier today wasn't big enough to fit over 1/0 wire so there I was stopped again. The last thing I accomplished was fit the intake to the turbo. Holy crap this filter is big!!! I cut a piece of leftover 4" exhaust pipe to connect the filter to the silicone elbow. It's gonna be a challenge to fit a box around this thing but I'm still going to give it a shot later this year. So in light of recent developments I'm not sure it will be running tomorrow night but I'm still hoping for Thursday night.