Here Comes Chaos.....
Where is a good place to get new mounts?
That's just it. There really is no "set" place to get good mounts. I bought mine for my 6.2 from a local mom and pop auto parts store. I sent my friend there for mounts for his 6.5T, and they were the thin garbage ones.
We ended up driving all over creation to a bunch of auto zones and advance auto parts to find 2 that had the OEM thickness steel.
It's a toss up what you'll get, so always open the box first and examine the mount, before purchasing it.
If you can move the rubber by hand, at all, it's no good. I couldn't move the rubber in the new mounts at all, and the engine certainly doesn't shake like it used to, although being 100% mechanical it does have a little shake now and again, but that's from the stupid IP which makes it have a slight lope at idle.