I set mine on the 0.8 amp setting. The engineers at Ctek told me if I had the time, the slower the better. It took 3 days at 0.8 amps and all seems well. They never seemed down before, but it can't hurt to always leave them on the charger. I have the plug near my factory tow hook and hook it up...
Did you mount the Ctek to the truck so you just plug it in or did you just run an eyelet out to plug it in to th ctek?
I have one installed on my truck as well and it took 3 solid days for the two batteries to go green. I always plug it in when I am home.
It might just be me but I have the 4114 60 SMT LED driving lights and I SWEAR they are brighter than the ones you had previously. Any chance they made a little change?
I was thinking about installing two driving lights in the factory tow hook position. Anyone ever done this or seen this done? Downsides besides not have a tow hook?
Thanks Jason