Heres the latest discovery
Still no dash chek engine or glow lites
Found no power to shut off solenoid on IP
ALL fuses good evrywere ! Chekd grounds on motor good!
Still lost !!!!!
Anyone know of an aditional fuse Under dash that powers IP or Ecu ???
Location of it if so ??????
1995 model Read somewere also could be ignition switch ????
Sent pump n to diesel care perf. N tennesea to chek it they said it was bad unles they lied ! Kuz it still aint running ! Changed just about evrything out still no fuel out of IP got plenty fuel to it !
I hav a 95 6.5 td. 200k miles. Truck had cracked head but ran good considring that. Tore apart and replaced head. Put all bak together but now no fuel to injectors No glow plug lite in dash iether hav new injection pump new ecu new crank sensor new glow plug relay good PMD box grounds on...