you want to put a 94 grill on a 91? what are the difference in the headlights from those years? Im I lost? I know 88 and 89 had the 4 separate headlights
I have an old pre paid tmobile that you cant read the numbers on anymore. ive have it for id say 5 years atleast. when it dies i am NOT getting a new one. i hate always having a phone on me.
Thank you Louis, but I got it up and running. had a old oil cooler I forgot about.. and had lights from another 6.5 i blew up and parted out. gril isnt pretty, but i dont care about how things look. thank you so much guys :)
Everyone likes it but me :)
my 94 needs a starter, and is drinking coolent like its its job. it also needs a hub i think and a caliper is locked up. the oil cooler lines leak like hell on it.
red one now needs the oil cooler, PS cooler, maybe a trans cooler, grill is ok, its broke but it will work. i have lights to...
Deere hit a deer tongiht. just got in. have to be to work in 2 hours. im in need a sleep. i please forgive me, but i dont have time to search. best place/vender to get oil cooler and lines? i shut it down and still had oil presure. i now have 2 none runnin 6.5s, i got to have one going. sorry...
or where the bears are... I use my CB every day, I rarely use my cell phone and I sure dont have a gps or a nextel (isnt that a phone also?) recken im a hilljack
at the BP's in town the diesel pump is separate and in between 2 gas pumps. never done it or even came close that I remember. The diesel pump handles are always soaked in diesel from the foam not kicking them off (I guess?) so if my hand isnt coverd in diesel when I grab it I would think...
I disabled mine on all the ttrucks that had them and my car, it is rude as hell not to be able to use parking lights at night when you are parked, going threw a drive threw, leaving a drive in movie, getting fuel, backing in at a truck stop, of pulling into a driveway in a allotment where your...