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4L80E Harsh shifting from 1st to 2nd

Need to look at the pickups or tone wheel to see if the signal source could be swapped ie the cps would need half
as many
Just brain storming here... most distributor pickups for a v8 gasser have 8 lobes, one for each cylinder to send signal to fire the coil plus give rpm signal to a tach. iirc though I might me totally wrong here, doesn't the 6.5 tone wheel on the snout of the crank have 4 lobes for the CPS? maybe, just maybe the oil pump drive cam sensor was build the same as the gasser distributor pickup coil. I was never able to get any kind of signal from the oil pump drive sensor on mine plus it was puking oil from the connector. not sure if it's a candidate to be dissected.
Well. I’m back at it again. I have been doing a lot of reading on the differences in 4l80e’s Mainly from this thread here.

rather than shelling out $100 for a new ECP solenoid I have the opportunity to pull one from a working trans in that 03 express van box truck my buddy has which has a bad engine. Today I dropped the pan on it and have the EPC from it to try, before I order a new one.

After removing, inspecting, and ohm testing this solenoid (ohmed out within spec). I discovered this 03 trans calls for a different solenoid, looks exactly the same other than the connector. From what I can tell, GM just changed the connector and upgraded the internal harness after 03, but it all still works the same.

I have a re-useable pan gasket and thinking about trying this one in the 93’s trans tomorrow, I found a pigtail in a stash of old harnesses that will work on the solenoid where I can make it work without changing the internal harness. Plan is to drain the fluid into a clean container since the pan has a drain plug, swap in the solenoid while inspecting the innards (pan debris and whatnot). Supposedly this trans was rebuilt back in 2018 and only had about 2k on it when I bought the truck, that makes it now having only 6k miles since it’s rebuild 7 years ago. Not planning on replacing the filter or fluid for this test unless I find things that would force me to do so.

I’m hoping this will fix the issue, but at least rule out a trans issue vs the EZ-TCU as the problem.

If this works, I will order the new parts along with new filter and fresh fluid. I will try to post an update on it sometime late tomorrow or Sunday.