Open diff. You'll need a gearset and some new bearings throughout. Your magnet has all kinds of swarf stuck to it. Gearsets are one unit. Not mix and match.
To the original poster, that's a tall order for a IDI diesel anything with a minus 50 temp. Go old school with a pan of charcoal under the oil pan and wrap the engine. Maybe. Cranking RPM is your friend. Hook a welder/genset to it?
I chose to delete the CDR in favor of a modified road draft catch can. Link below. Post #15. It's an option. A little fab required.
Starter bolts have a 'knurling' where they pass through the aluminum starter. Often a cylinder block will strip out. A garage fix here in the U.S. is to run a threading tap into the block. The closest size is a 7/16-14 tap-bolt. It will follow the stripped hole perfectly. Sometimes the starter...
Agreed. Diesel fuel now is a blend of all the 'above' at best. Never know what you'll get.
Centrifugal separation like the WVO method? (To get a purer petroleum product...?) After all this stuff at the gas stations is stored out of sight, out of mind.
The best we can do is control the water.
Keep the water out and you've saved yourself from the witch's brew. Control the water. Adding lube will hurt the fuel system until you control the water. Water cannot, will not, mix with oil, petroleum, diesel, gas whatever. Basic chemistry.