Compression Ignition Addict
Because so very few of us are actually capable of putting things back together the way it came (me being one of them), I've gotten myself into a little project while I'm out here in AZ.
As I've been expecting, the little green truck needs a new injection pump. This one is showing its age and suffering horribly from heat soak. I already knew this was coming before I got out here, so what better time than hit to drawing board and put my mind to work to do the infamous "While I'm in there I minus well do... this, this, this, and this" The end result wasn't anything to flashy, but a bit over the top I suppose for a pump line nozzle fuel system.
Essentially the system is as follows:
Tank ---> Primary Filter ---> Lift Pump ---> Secondary Filter ---> Fuel pressure tap ---> Injection pump ---> Back to Tank
The primary filter is a "CAT 1466695" Fuel / Water Seperator
The Lift Pump is a Walbro FRC-10 Courtesy of PMD Cable
The Secondary filter is currently a "CAT 1R-0751".
The inlets and outlets of these two filter bases are O-ring boss type, so a quick trip to the local hydraulic shop (conveniently across the street from Empire CAT) and everything is matched up for 3/8" pushlock style hose.
As I've been expecting, the little green truck needs a new injection pump. This one is showing its age and suffering horribly from heat soak. I already knew this was coming before I got out here, so what better time than hit to drawing board and put my mind to work to do the infamous "While I'm in there I minus well do... this, this, this, and this" The end result wasn't anything to flashy, but a bit over the top I suppose for a pump line nozzle fuel system.
Essentially the system is as follows:
Tank ---> Primary Filter ---> Lift Pump ---> Secondary Filter ---> Fuel pressure tap ---> Injection pump ---> Back to Tank
The primary filter is a "CAT 1466695" Fuel / Water Seperator
The Lift Pump is a Walbro FRC-10 Courtesy of PMD Cable
The Secondary filter is currently a "CAT 1R-0751".
- This filter is part of the family of "Advanced High Efficiency" fuel filters many diesel guys alike try to get there hands on to use on there Cummins, Duramax, and Powerstrokes due to the fact that they are a 2 Micron (.00002") absolute filter. An outstanding filter for HPCR engines as they filter much better than what the big three supply from the OEM. More importantly, is the fact that this filter, unlike the popular 1R-0750, can be upgraded to one of several of CAT's new "Ultra High Efficiency" Fuel filters, which are said to filter even lower than 2 micron.

The inlets and outlets of these two filter bases are O-ring boss type, so a quick trip to the local hydraulic shop (conveniently across the street from Empire CAT) and everything is matched up for 3/8" pushlock style hose.