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Ya its a little bent


Active Member
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Well finally had some time to get the motor out last night once my new tranny jack showed up. Did have a small mess up, i was a little out of it and when i was letting it down I meant to tighten the bleed valve ont eh jack and loosened it caused the motor to crash into the concrete. That oil sensor dingy is smashed and the upper oil pan is cracked. But I do have spares from the other motor at least.

Tore it partway down tonite and got it on the stand. Didnt work on it too much but did get the bad rod out to have a look see.

Its definately bent, and there are marks on the bottom of the piston and on the crankshaft from where they were contacting.

Im tearing the rest of it down tomorrow if I get time.

Here is a pic.

Do you mind if I ask what timing you were running in the 2000RPM -2400RPM range at 100 mm3?

For curiosity sake :) If not, I understand.


actually after i looked at it all of the rest were a little short, but for some reason this one was REALLY short.
Did it sound pretty cool right up to that final moment? what size turbo?

I never noticed it when it happened. Its not very obvious, I just started noticing smoke at idle and popping and a clanking noise every now and then. I probably drove it for a couple hundred miles before i gave it any thought.

Its an S472 AirWerks. It does sound very nice.

Here are three videos of it.

YouTube - Dialing In The New Turbo

YouTube - New Turbo First Drive

YouTube - Dieselholics New Turbo

hes running an s400. not sure how that equates to an aurora 5k

Doesnt really but its pretty much the same size an an A5K which is just a KKK turbo or 3K as some know it.