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Windows 10?


Well-Known Member
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I keep getting Window 10 free upgrade on my laptop. Why would I consider/avoid it. I know nothing is free and probably a 30 day trial. I wish I still ran 7 to be honest.
Remove and then hide the optional KB3035583 Windows Update and it was re-released this month to further AOL marketing you to death of the Free version of Windows 10. It's actually not a 30 day trial but a completely free upgrade. Only way to make up for having to get rid of Balmer and the Bing/Vista/Win8.0 cluster F and compete with Linux/Apple.

Further avoid the KB2952664 update as well.
I just finally was able to complete the free update a few days ago. I am still a little indifferent to it. It definitely takes a little getting used to. It operates more like a smart phone, by being able to use APPs and things.
Do you windows updates, and it will download an update to give you the option to upgrade. it's KB 50583 or something like that. I deleted it from mine as I'm PERFECTLY happy with WINDOWS 7, and looked specifically for a laptop with 7 on it when I got my replacement. Windows 10 was more or less a fix for the windows 8 debacle.
Windows 7 is being phased out. Either get on the train or get left behind. Get the update for free while you can before they start charging for it.
They do. It is a free upgrade as of right now for 7 and 8.1 users. They are changing their whole platform to work better with these improvements. Everyyhing will be dedigned around this windows 10 platform. That is all 3rd party software, as well as all microsoft products. It is a pretty big step forward. A complete redesign, not just an upgrade.
Windows 7 is being phased out. Either get on the train or get left behind. Get the update for free while you can before they start charging for it.

No it's not. Windows operating systems have a minimum 10 year lifespan. Then you have to certify and bug fix all applications that work on it. For internet and home use -who cares. Business will be running Windows 7 into the ground.

Several gotchas on Windows 10 like using your internet connection to stream updates to other people like BitTorrent. If you have a data plan you could get screwed. You have 13 pages of things to turn off and other privacy issues to deal with.

Best to let others "Feel the pain" and post solutions before you do.
Our business's proprietary software only works on Win 7 & older, so we're sticking to Win 7 for quite a while...
OK. I guess the Email that I got from Microsoft was a lie. It stated they were phasing out Windows 7. I am sure you know more than they do. [emoji53]
If your proprietary software works with Windows 7, then it will probably work with Windows 10.
Ha! And DOS is dead too :D:D:D

:finger: No it's not... just not as popular as it was.

And just last week doing a command prompt command to fix a server we ran across an old dos command by accident.

if you do:
c:\> dir>listing.txt
The greater than symbol takes the dir (directory or folders for the newbies) listing command and places it into a file named "listing.txt"

Well the modern website for this company's stuff required a "symbol" in the password - a stupid fing requirement IMO.

So we are doing a command prompt command that is as long as this post that included the password that had the ">" as the special symbol.

Needless to say when the command prompt hit the ">" it turned the command into a filename of the rest of the command after the ">".

:wideyed: Took a lot of rust removal to recall that and what was going on the first 10x it failed. 'What's this weird new file here?'

I am glad the "Dark Ages" are more or less over, but, you still need to get the DOS club out and thump something into submission now and then. :wtf: