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what glow plugs are you running and what do you think about them.

Bosch Duraterms or AC Delco AC60g

Both are self-regulating and will not burn out with extended glow times (see Glow Plug Mod)

Have both, noticed no difference at all between them even thought the Duratherms are "supposed" to be better. The WAP's actually work the best until they swelll and you can't get them out....:mad2:
I've got 60G plugs and they don't heat up nearly as fast as the old 9G's i took out, but they just require extended glow times. But even now, i give them extended time because it helps the engine idle better as soon as she starts and it keeps my glow plugs from getting all gunked up like they were when i pulled them out a month ago. They were not even a year old and they were gunked up. So i wiped them off, now that i run 8-12 seconds for first start up ever day they are clean and seem to work better.

So don't be afraid of holding the button down for quite a few mississippi's :p
Duraterm's in both trucks.

Had one bank out from the K-5 and noticed either a slight bit of swelling or carbon build up on one plug. Couldn't feel or see any swelling but did find it interesting. i'm guessing a little bit of carbon. Maybe the Duraterms aren't indestructible after all? Then again these plugs have seen many, many, many 20+ second glowplug times the past few winters.

So far they've stood up to a heck of a lot of abuse and keep on ticking. Can't complain about them any.

Kenny has a point with the WAP plugs. They are great, until they swell and don't come out. Not worth the benefit due to that risk however.
They are great, until they swell and don't come out. Not worth the benefit due to that risk however.

The fear of breaking a glow plug tip off is why it took me so long to get around to actually replacing mine last fall. Now i don't worry about, even though i hadn't touched them almost the entire fall/winter, i was able to take all 8 plugs out in 10 minutes. Thanks to anti-seize :D
Duraterms as they heat up to a glow with 1993 factory glow times. 60G's are simply too cold without an override, more glow time. I burnt my 60G's to a crisp and most of 3 plugs were burnt clean off to nubs. (High EGT's)
If you need some glow plugs, just go to RockAuto. They have the Duraterms for less than $60 shipped.
Cheaper than anything out there for a good quality GPs.

There is a coupon code in the Deals section of this forum for an extra 5% off which may cover the shipping fee or not.

In general, there are only 2 that are recommended by the diesel guru here: Bosch Duraterms and ACDelco 60G.

I am not sure if this is what you are asking for but there it is.
well its taking my truck a while to start sometimes it drains the batteries it takes so long to start. so i was thinking if i change the glow plugs it might help
I have 60G's in my 95 and another set on the shelf for the 93 or 94. The 60g's seem fine but I am running ~12-15 sec glow time, it has started taking longer to crank over even though it is summer time so I am thinking I have so injectors going down and maybe a 270K mile IP on its way out. I have a few other things to try before I rip out the IP but it smokes and clatters bad so the injectors are definately getting replaced AGAIN.
I have Bosch Duraterms, without a tune seemed to me that the truck cranked a lot on startup even with all 8 working. Since then ive gotten a chip that does the extended glow time for me (instead of the mod), now they fire up much nicer, on a cold day i think it glows for almost 15 seconds..