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What do you drink to get going in the morning?

What do you drink to get going in the morning?

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Fuc*ed over by head admin......
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North Haven, CT
What do you drink to get going in the morning?

This is a multiple choice poll so choose more than one if needed.

1. Coffee
2. Sports Supplement
3. Water
4. Gatorade
5. Red Bull
6. Soda
7. Tea
8. Juice
9. Milk
10. 5 Hour Energy
11. Nothing
12. Other

Always looking for poll ideas post them HERE or send me a PM.......
coffee all day long at work, sometimes juice if im feeling healthy, sometimes 5 hour if i spent to much time working the day before to get my need 5 hours of sleep :rolleyes5:
I always have milk in the mornings (thats a given).

On the way out I grab coffee, red bull, or a big cup of sweet tea. Just depends on the mood, sometimes my coffee gets an added "pep" if its been a rough week.
I just had to back WAY OFF my caffeine intake. I have been a caffeine nicotine addict for most of the last 35 years or better.

Irregular heart beat getting more irregular with the influence of caffeine & nicotine. Been off the cigs for a week again now, getting real used to what it takes to quit, I just need to bone up & stay off em. I have quit smoking many times but never had a medical reason to help provide an influence before.

Just went through the Nuclear Stress & Echo cardiogram last Thursday, they would not tell me everything was fine, but they also did not recommend I admit myself into the Hospital so... I did very well on the tread machine and I have no pain, just irregular heat beat that occasionally leaves me a tad out of breath. I have always had the irregular beat since I was a kid, not new just seems more aggressive now and the cigs & coffee seem to have the most influence.

I still have 1 cup of regular coffee in the AM but nothing compared to what I used to consume daily...
I generally have no problem waking up. Give me about 5 minutes after the alarm goes off and I'm good to go. Can't stand the taste of coffee. The best morning get-me-going is a shower.

My wife on the other hand. Coffee coffee coffee coffee, and a ton of reminders from me to get out of bed in the morning.
I usually have the best luck with a shower as well, and gargling. learned why on some doctor show the other day, something about phlem in the back of your throat needs washed out, and gargling does that. lets more oxygen get to the lungs, and therefore the blood, and the brain.

but, when I am running late and cant do the morning shower, Mt. Dew is a good standby.

and, if it is going to be a cold SOB, a little kahlua makes shitty ol coffee a lot easier to stomach. learned that from dad's Oregon buddy.