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Walbro FRC-10 and Pre-Lift Pump Filter Install

The two holes on my dually put the bracket too high up and the Walbro top hose barb is too close to the body of the truck to get a hose on, this is because the two holes are not level with each other on my truck. A ell on top of the walbro would fix that but then u r into getting the ell to tighten and end up at the right direction. I get some pics today. One question Leroy that I did not think of is......how do you change the pre filter without diesel running out all over the place?
The trick is remove the fuel cap to release pressure in the tank. I do this any time I'm working on LP too.
You will still get some spillage, but just have the new filter in hand ready to go and it will be minimal. You should not get anymore spillage than if changing out a stock LP. old Filter will be full of fuel so don't tip it over.
YEE HAWWWWW Walbro and pre filter install is complete and full of surprises......calm down Leroy they r Good surprises!!!!!!!!

First off I dont think the new hose is gonna work with diesel. Two hoses collapsed and kinked overnite with diesel in them. Also they did not leak on the hose barb fittings with aggressive barbs but on the Walbro with its two normal fuel type fittings with a bump and staight smooth shaft they leak and its hard to tighten them enough to stop the leak, the Parker 300 psi hose is thinner than regular fuel hose and also made of a harder type material so it is not able to have that rubbery grab and mash ability of normal fuel hose. When I installed them yesterday I had to make bigger more gradual turns with them and two still kinked overnite. Put some washers behind the walbro and put longer mounting bolts and got it even farther out to clear and be able to point the bend in the hose at a recess in the body and got rid of that kink. The kink between the Walbro and the filter I took the Parker hose off and put a longer piece of NAPA hose there and fixed that one. I am going to replace them all with regular fuel hose.

I know I will take pics and put them on tonite.

Now the good news..... I put a Glowshift fuel pressure gauge on the truck about a month ago and I had 5-6 lbs of pressure @ idle and 3-4 at WOT and then the thing quit working and they sent me a new sending unit and that didnt work so they sent me a new gauge even tho the one I returned tested good (sidenote Glowshift service is awesome) and I got it today and the thing still wasnt working right, it only showed 2 lbs at idle and did not move when u goosed the throttle so I put a mechanical gauge on the fuel bleeder on the FFM and still no pressure. So I had blown all the lines out, put a 30 micron pre filter on and a new 5 micron FFM and filter but the stock square FFM and month old filter was still on it. So I put a new square filter on and WOW Glowshift gauge jumped up to 8 lbs at idle and mechanical gauge is the same and thats thru two FFMs with 5 micron filters Leroy!!!!!!!! The stock square filter was almost completely stopped up in only a month. No wvo yet either. I have not driven it yet because I am still putting the air breather back together. I will report when I get it all back together.

I am going to switch to WVO so I have been putting Chevron Techron in my tank at the highest recommended rate with each fillup so it must have cleaned the tank and lines out real well! When I blew the lines out I really didnt get any junk just fuel. Mercedes reccomends Chevron Techron in a tank of diesel as a cleaning purge every time u change the oil. Also periodically to clean everything up and get rid of carbon if u r running WVO. Yes u can call Mercedes and talk to them about running WVO they dont hide from it. That was the intent so that the veggie oil doesnt stop everything up so bad when it cleans the tank and lines and it must have really cleaned it up!!!!
Hey Marty, I get lossed sometimes in all the posts. When I post above I thought I was in the post Bill had started (brain fart)
Anyway, I wanted to say thank you for the write up and taking time to make videos/pics. If you have a short video of the intall steps I would post them on my web site.
Thanks again

OOps sorry Marty I am lost too I thought I was in Leroys Walbro install thread cause he was talking to me! What a mess I made. Sorry But on the good side ur pics were invaluable for putting the thing in, I had a time and kept coming inside and looking at ur pics for reference. Thanks a bunch.
Hey Marty, I get lossed sometimes in all the posts. When I post above I thought I was in the post Bill had started (brain fart)
Anyway, I wanted to say thank you for the write up and taking time to make videos/pics. If you have a short video of the intall steps I would post them on my web site.
Thanks again


Only video I have is the one already posted. I will add to this thread later when I have time to check fuel pressure again and post after new LP idling videos.

Did you get the other pictures yet?
The removal of the tank sock and install of a pre LP filter provides two benefits: 1 you will never be stranded from a plugged sock or filter as long as you carry a spare and 2 you get all the crud out of your fuel tank
The removal of the tank sock and install of a pre LP filter provides two benefits: 1 you will never be stranded from a plugged sock or filter as long as you carry a spare and 2 you get all the crud out of your fuel tank
Welcome to TTS.
Interesting reading. Where do I get a GLOWSHIFT pressure gauge? And orrum, why do you have a square filter? Don't all the 6.5's have the filter manager in the back of the intake. Should I run some Chevron Techron?

My '93 Silverado has a spin on filter just before the LP. I'll get some pix tmrw, it's at my warehouse, and I'm gonna rob the single tstat housing tmrw and swap it to the Sub I'm selling. That Sub has a dual Tstat mod, or it did lol.


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I do not recommend Glowshift gauges. I have five, and out of the five only the mechanical EGT and boost gauges are still working. For the fuel pressure gauge I've replaced the senders twice and the third sender has now gone bad. The needle on the tranny temp started banging from end to end on the dial. So I unhooked the sender thinking that would stop the banging, but it continued banging. The coolant temp started occasionally banging also, then quit. Frustrated, I quit on the Glowshift. I need to replace the three gauges as soon as I can figure out how to afford to.

I agree on the crappy Glowshi. FP guages.

What size are the wheels & tires on that green burb? I like that stance. Lifted for clearance? It looks good. :thumbsup:
Glowshift junk? sounds like made in China... The speedo on my '84 Sub does the same thing, I think the cable is worn, which I suppose at 270k is acceptable. And it really bangs back and forth!!!

I bot the green Sub in Phoenix a couple of years ago, it had new truck take offs with few miles, the tires were mid 90's, and age cracked. I drove it for a week, and put on the 285-75R16's and China wheels at America's Tire Store. Cost $1140 all in. I had to trim the bumper and bumper filler which I did as they were installing the tires. No lift. I sold the as new wheels and tires on my return trip. When I stopped at the young kids house his mom met me at the street and asked if I was ripping off her son. I said I was prolly one of the few strangers from Craigs List that wasn't going to sell him junk, and when he got home from work a couple of hours later he called to thank me, as the wheels were as new, and the tires had mile deep tread, just as promised. He paid me $500, so new tires actually cost $640.

I went to a variety of tire vendors, including some that rent a small shop and have a few floor jacks ready to hoist your vehicle in their driveway as the shop is packed full of tires, and few had even one vehicle getting tires. Some even were selling from tents or crappy wooden sheds. I really wanted Made In USA tires, and didn't notice that these were made in Indonesia, and the tread on the outer edge is only 1/2 depth. BTW, wheels were $90 each, buy 3 get 1 free.

On another thread I'm trying to get an alignment query (camber-caster kit) answered...







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